What Genre is All We Wanted (2024)?

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The movie All We Wanted (2024) blurs the lines between the horror and thriller subgenres. The film, which is written and directed by Chris Dickerson, combines psychological tension, suspense, and terror to give viewers a spine-tingling experience. It makes the most of both genres.

This post will discuss how All We Wanted belongs in these genres, what aspects of thriller and horror it includes, and why these genres complement each other so effectively.

The Horror Elements in All We Wanted

Horror, at its core, is a genre that plays on human primal fears and frequently incorporates supernatural elements, monsters, or situations to arouse fear. The horror in All We Wanted comes from a scenario that plays on one of the scariest ideas: a home invasion by strangers wearing masks and intent on death.

It is a common trope in the horror genre to use masked attackers. The masks conceal the attackers’ identities, dehumanizing them and adding a psychological element to the terror they incite. The mystery surrounding these masked men and why they are attacking the characters in the film heightens the audience’s anxiety. A key component of the film’s horror element is the cramped and terrifying atmosphere created by the concept of a home invasion, in which the protagonists find themselves stranded in a remote estate amid unidentified dangers.

All We Wanted also delves into the theme of survival horror, a subgenre of film in which the protagonists must face horrifying situations—often without much assistance—while their very lives are at stake. Horror movies are known for their continuous feeling of dread, which is created by the protagonists’ struggle for survival against these masked intruders. Throughout the whole one hour and forty-three-minute film, the threat of death hangs over everything.

The Thriller Aspects of All We Wanted

The goal of the thriller subgenre is to create suspense and anticipation, whereas the horror subgenre focuses on inciting terror. Thrillers often involve a race against time, high stakes, and characters in perilous situations. In All We Wanted, the thriller elements are evident in the plot’s pacing, the stakes, and the uncertainty that dominates the story.

There is a subdued tension that develops from the moment the protagonists arrive at the isolated estate to meet with a family of possible investors. The tension builds to new heights as the night goes on and the real threat—masked assailants—emerges. Like the characters, the audience is left wondering what will happen next, who will live, and if there is more going on than first appears.

Chris Dickerson skillfully blends the fast-moving terror of a horror film with the slow-burning suspense of a thriller. In addition to escaping danger, the characters are attempting to piece together why they are the target of their attackers. The story moves forward and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats thanks to this blend of mystery and survival.

Plot twists that are timed perfectly are a common element of thrillers, and All We Wanted is no exception. The audience is left wondering if any of the characters can be trusted as they unite with the investor family to fight for their lives. The movie is an interesting thriller that keeps viewers guessing until the very end thanks to its many twists and turns as well as the ongoing threat of violence.

The Perfect Blend: Horror and Thriller in All We Wanted

The unique blend of thriller and horror in All We Wanted is what sets the film apart. The film appeals to a wide audience by fusing the tension and intellectual stimulation of a thriller with the jump-scares and grotesque fear typical of horror. Horror movie buffs will enjoy the movie’s spooky scenes and disguised adversaries, while thriller fans will be captivated by the plot’s twists and constant sense of danger.

The location is just as important in combining these two genres as the men in masks. The secluded estate ensnares the protagonists and amplifies their susceptibility, functioning as a character unto itself. It turns into a place where nobody is safe, where every sound could be an indication of impending disaster, and every shadow could hide an attacker.

The suspense of a compelling thriller combined with the terror of a deadly home invasion is what makes All We Wanted a successful mashup of the horror and thriller genres. The movie’s use of masked assailants, remote location, and relentless tension keep audiences on edge the entire time. All We Wanted delivers the best of both genres, whether you prefer thrilling, suspenseful movies or spine-tingling horror. It is a must-see for moviegoers who love suspenseful horror.

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