Upcoming movie The Street Avenger (2024): Story, plot and cast

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Release Date: December 25, 2024 (United States)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Crime, Thriller

Country of Origin: United States

Language: English

Filming Locations: New Jersey, USA (Studio)

Production Company: Angry Troll Studio

Estimated Budget: $4,000,000


A young girl seeks assistance from law enforcement after her father is killed by gang violence, but she is met with resistance. She becomes a vigilante because she is determined to exact revenge on her father. She quickly learns, though, that combating crime in real life is far more difficult and brutal than it was in the comic books she used to read. She discovers that being a hero requires sacrifices and unanticipated difficulties as she fights rival gangs and avoids the law.

Plot Summary

After her father is killed by gang violence, a young girl goes to the police for justice but is met with inaction. She turns into a vigilante, determined to exact revenge for her father’s passing. She discovers that reality is far more complicated than the comic books she once adored as she battles rival gangs and eludes law enforcement. She encounters a violent world of crime and peril on her quest for vengeance, which puts her strength and resolve to the test in ways she never could have predicted.


Isaac C. Singleton Jr. as Craig

Emily Rose Hernandez as Candace

David Siracusa as Police Supervisor Soscia

Matthew Clark “Ghost” as Poppy

Aaron Cohen as Nate Bynum

Leila Annastasia Scott as Detective Strickland

Cody Sulek as Nick

Michael T. Dean as Detective Cutchin

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