Upcoming movie Alchemy of Solitude (2024): Story, plot and cast

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Release Date: September 20, 2024 (United States)

Country of Origin: United States

Language: English

Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Production Company: Golden Royal Lion Films

Director & Writer: Viktoria I.V. King


The turbulent world of radical activism is explored in “Alchemy of Solitude,” an alternate reality beset by increasing global unrest. The main character of the movie is an underground group called “Paradigm,” whose goal is to destroy racist groups by any means necessary. The group finds itself embroiled in a bigger and riskier battle than they had anticipated as their clandestine operations pick up steam.

The narrative dramatically shifts when a botched attempt to assassinate the main organization supporting white supremacists. This setback sets off a sequence of events that force Paradigm to fight for its life. The film examines the struggles the activists face on the inside and outside, as they are now compelled to face the harsh realities of their cause and their own beliefs.

The compelling crime action drama “Alchemy of Solitude” explores the psychological and emotional costs of radical change while delving into the nature of activism, conflict, and the far-reaching effects of war. It begs the eerie question, To what extent will someone go in the name of revolutionary ideals?


“Alchemy of Solitude” offers a gripping look into a dystopian future where social unrest has split society apart and radical activists are fighting systematic hatred with drastic means. The movie centers on the covert organization “Paradigm,” which seeks to bring in a new era of justice by destroying organizations that support white supremacists. However, when a high-stakes attempt to kill a prominent supremacist figure fails spectacularly, their mission takes a dangerous turn. The disastrous operation sets off a deadly chain of events that thrusts the activists into a desperate battle for their lives. The group must decide whether to uphold their humanity or honor the sacrifices made by their ancestors in the face of growing threats and moral quandaries. This gripping crime drama delves into the depths of activism, the psychological toll that war takes, and the harsh realities of radical transformation.


Sonya Balsara as Tori

Rachael Chau as Kristina

Jean-Patrick Simeon as Trevor

Rivka Rivera as The Boss

Leon Morgan as John John

Jake Robert Robbins as A.D.

Lena Benita Jackson as Isabella (credited as Lena Benita)

Leo Kubota as Jacob

Lawrin Green as Odes

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