The 2024 Grammys witnessed an unexpected twist when legendary actress Meryl Streep made a surprise appearance alongside music producer Mark Ronson. This surprising union turned out to be a family affair, with host Trevor Noah revealing the intriguing connection between the two during his opening monologue. As the cameras captured the moment, an empty chair at Ronson’s table filled with none other than the iconic Meryl Streep, leading to applause and cheers from the audience.
For those unaware of the unexpected relationship, Noah enlightened viewers that Meryl Streep is Mark Ronson’s mother-in-law. The comedian exclaimed, “Get this, his mother-in-law is going to be sitting right here. You know who she is? Meryl Streep, that’s right. She’s going to be in this chair. I can’t believe that Meryl Streep is here.” The revelation added an extra layer of excitement to the star-studded event.
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Mark Ronson, known for his stellar production work on the soundtrack to Barbie, has been married to Grace Gummer, Meryl Streep’s second-eldest daughter, for over two years. The couple welcomed their first child, a daughter named Ruthie, in early 2023. Ronson’s sister, Annabelle Dexter-Jones, shared the news, describing the newborn as “stunning.”
On the Grammys red carpet, Ronson shared that his daughter had been a significant inspiration for much of his recent music. Parenthood has transformed his perspective, with Ronson stating, “There’s no song or idea more important than bath time and getting home.” He expressed the joy of having a one-year-old daughter and hinted at a potential celebration during the awards ceremony.
Later in the evening, Meryl Streep and Mark Ronson graced the stage together to present the Record of the Year award to Miley Cyrus for her hit single “Flowers.” However, Streep initially referred to the award as Album of the Year, prompting a light-hearted correction from her son-in-law. The charming double act between Streep and Ronson unfolded, with playful banter and a sweet moment as Streep gave Ronson a kiss on the cheek.
While Streep and Ronson’s unexpected appearance stole the spotlight, the 2024 Grammys had other notable moments, including Taylor Swift breaking records and announcing a new album, as well as Blue Ivy making a special appearance with her parents, Beyoncé and Jay Z.
The surprising relationship between Mark Ronson and Meryl Streep added a touch of family warmth to the 2024 Grammys. As the audience celebrated this unexpected duo, it became clear that the Grammys not only honor outstanding achievements in music but also provide a platform for unexpected family connections to shine.