The Cast of Dominique (2024): Key Players and Their Roles in the Action-Packed Thriller

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Michael S. Ojeda’s upcoming action-thriller Dominique (2024) is a suspenseful story of violence, morality, and survival that takes place in a corrupt South American town. In a movie where dramatic action scenes and emotional conflicts collide, Oksana Orlan plays Dominique, a highly skilled assassin running from her troubled past. While Dominique tries to make a fresh start, she gets entangled in a web of criminal activity, police corruption, and mafia influence. She also has to make the tough choice of whether to defend herself or the innocent family that is providing her with shelter.

The supporting cast, who portray nuanced characters who either encourage or irritate Dominique on her treacherous journey, is essential to making this story come to life. Let us examine the main characters in Dominique and the parts they play in more detail.

Oksana Orlan as Dominique

At the heart of the film is Dominique, portrayed by Oksana Orlan. Dominique is a well-trained assassin with a dark past, attempting to leave her old life behind and begin anew in a South American town. However, she soon discovers that the town is plagued with violence and corruption, with ruthless mafia leaders and corrupt police officers controlling its fate. Throughout the film, Dominique faces brutal attacks from both factions, forcing her to make a difficult moral decision—whether to protect herself or risk her life to save an innocent family that has taken her in. Orlan’s portrayal of Dominique captures both the physical toughness of an assassin and the emotional depth of someone struggling with her past and future choices.

Maurice Compte as Chief Santiago

Maurice Compte plays Chief Santiago, one of the film’s main antagonists. Santiago is the corrupt head of the local police force, who enforces his own form of law in the crime-ridden town. He is deeply involved in the town’s criminal underworld, working alongside mafia forces to maintain control and suppress dissent. As Dominique threatens this fragile balance, Santiago becomes a formidable opponent, seeking to eliminate her before she disrupts his power. Compte’s portrayal of Chief Santiago is intense and commanding, bringing a sense of menace to the film’s corrupt police force.

Chase Coleman as John

Chase Coleman plays John, a key character who gets caught up in the violence of the town. John’s connection to Dominique develops as he becomes one of the few people she can rely on in her fight for survival. While the details of John’s backstory are not fully revealed, his role in the film hints at a deeper alliance with Dominique, potentially helping her navigate the dangers of the town. Coleman brings a strong presence to the screen, portraying a character who serves as both a confidant and a partner in Dominique’s battle against corruption.

Ski Carr as Gonzalo

Ski Carr plays Gonzalo, one of the mafia enforcers in the town. Gonzalo is a ruthless figure who works alongside the corrupt police to maintain control over the town’s criminal enterprises. His violent nature and loyalty to the mafia make him one of Dominique’s most dangerous adversaries. Throughout the film, Gonzalo relentlessly pursues Dominique, believing she is a threat to the mafia’s dominance. Carr’s performance as Gonzalo adds to the tension and brutality of the film, as his character embodies the violent underworld that Dominique is trying to escape.

Jose Conejo Martin as Officer Chago

Jose Conejo Martin takes on the role of Officer Chago, a corrupt police officer who works under Chief Santiago. Like Santiago, Chago is deeply entrenched in the town’s system of crime and corruption. He is tasked with carrying out Santiago’s orders, including hunting down Dominique. However, Chago’s role is not limited to being a simple enforcer—his interactions with other characters hint at deeper motives and alliances within the town’s corrupt power structure. Martin’s portrayal of Officer Chago adds complexity to the film’s depiction of corruption within law enforcement.

David M. Sandoval Jr. as Hector

Hector is another important character in the movie, portrayed by David M. Sandoval Jr. Hector is a key character in the drama developing even though his past is still mostly unknown due to his involvement with Dominique and the corrupt forces in the town. The way in which Sandoval portrayed the story emphasizes how the violence and mayhem that engulfs the town carries emotional weight, even for those who are not part of the criminal underworld.

Additional Cast Members

Other notable cast members include Alanna De La Rossa as Abril, Maria del Rosario as Paulina, and Sebastián Carvajal as Julio. Each of these characters adds depth to the story, portraying either allies or enemies who shape Dominique’s journey. Tactical officers and mafia henchmen, portrayed by actors like Carlos Moreno Jr., Jason Gurvitz, and Derek Ocampo, further populate the dangerous world Dominique finds herself in.

Dominique (2024) looks to be an action-packed thriller that delves into themes of survival, morality, and redemption. It stars a talented ensemble cast led by Oksana Orlan. Every member of the cast contributes significantly to creating the gritty, tense atmosphere that drives the story, which depicts a society where corruption and violence are rampant. The choices Dominique makes while navigating this dangerous terrain will affect not only her own destiny but also the lives of people around her.

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