Ranking the Major One Piece Arcs: From Worst to Best


With Netflix’s adaptation of One Piece on the horizon, fans are revisiting the manga to prepare for the live-action debut. The series boasts a vast number of story arcs, each with its own unique appeal and significance. However, ranking them all is no small task, given the sheer magnitude of the manga and its dense storytelling.

To simplify the process, we’ll focus on the major sagas, each encompassing several arcs and serving an overall narrative purpose. Here’s our ranking of the major One Piece arcs:

10) Fish-Man Island Saga
The Fish-Man Island Saga falls short due to its limited focus on the Straw Hat Pirates. While it showcases their increased strength after a time-skip, the arc spends too much time exploring racism and slavery metaphors among the Fish-Men. The lackluster villain, Hody Jones, also contributes to the arc’s lower ranking.

9) Sky Island Saga
The Sky Island Saga stands apart from the series due to its isolated adventure. While it offers great fights, like Luffy vs. Eneru, the arc feels inconsequential in the grand scheme of One Piece, having little impact on the main storyline.

8) East Blue Saga
As the saga that started it all, the East Blue Saga lays the foundation for the entire series, introducing the core crew and their dynamics. However, in comparison to the later arcs’ scale and spectacle, it might feel less impactful.

7) Thriller Bark Saga
Thriller Bark is a distilled version of One Piece’s core elements. With a single arc entirely focused on action and horror-themed aesthetics, it’s a delightful showcase of the series’ strengths.

6) Whole Cake Island Saga
The Whole Cake Island Saga presents a mix of slow-paced beginnings and a thrilling conclusion. While the initial setup can be sluggish, the arc’s unique ending and execution elevate it to one of the favorites for many fans.

5) Wano Country Saga
The Wano arc’s main challenge lies in its sheer magnitude and focus on non-stop action, leading to pacing issues. Nevertheless, its showcase of the crew’s strength and its epic battles make it an unforgettable saga.

4) Dressrosa Saga
Dressrosa delivers a restrained version of Wano’s approach, building up to a thrilling battle royale in the second half. With an intriguing premise and engaging fights, this saga captivates readers with its world-building and alliances.

3) Alabasta Saga
The Alabasta Saga serves as the defining arc for One Piece, featuring a thrilling civil war and creative fights. Its dramatic tension and challenges faced by the crew make it a classic favorite.

2) Water 7 Saga
Water 7 distinguishes itself by subverting expectations and offering powerful character developments for Robin and Usopp. The arc’s intense battles and emotional moments place it high in the rankings.

1) Summit War Saga
The Summit War Saga takes the top spot as the best One Piece arc. This epic saga serves as the climax of the first half of the series, delivering a relentless struggle against the Marines and unforgettable moments that forever reshape the world of One Piece.

While ranking the major One Piece arcs is a daunting task, each saga contributes uniquely to the series’ charm and appeal. Whether fans are re-reading the manga or eagerly anticipating the live-action adaptation, One Piece continues to captivate audiences with its rich storytelling and delightful adventures.

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