What Are the Key Themes of “Incoming” and How Are They Explored?

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Incoming, a high school comedy directed by Dave and John Chernin, follows four first-year students as they attempt to make sense of their own confusing world. Not only is the film hilarious and full of outrageous antics, but it also deftly examines important themes like teenage identity, friendship, and the challenges of high school life. With the backdrop of a raucous celebration, Incoming allows for both lighthearted and somber moments that appeal to audiences of all ages.

Identity of Adolescence

One of the central themes of Incoming is the investigation of teenage identity. Freshman year of high school is frequently a period of significant personal growth and self-discovery; this tumultuous time is delicately and humorously captured in the movie. The primary characters, Benji Nielsen played by Mason Thames among them, are at a turning point in their lives and are attempting to identify who they are and who they want to be. Every character in the film goes through times that challenge their identities and push them to leave their comfort zones.

For example, Benji’s journey focuses on gaining self-acceptance and confidence in himself. Despite not knowing where he fits into the high school hierarchy at first, he is thrust into a series of misadventures that force him to confront his fears. These interactions help him to grow in self-awareness and confidence as he begins to feel more like himself. In addition to being timely, this issue of teenage identity serves as a poignant reminder of the difficulties that all teenagers encounter.


Incoming also explores the strength and complexity of friendship. Over the course of the evening, the four main characters’ bond is put to the test and grows stronger. Their friendship and allegiance to one another are tested as they negotiate the mayhem of the celebration. The movie illustrates how friendships can serve as a springboard for personal development as well as a source of strength.

Ramon Reed’s character, for instance, highlights the value of having friends who encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone. His sincere yet lighthearted interactions with his friends demonstrate how deep friendships can assist people in discovering new facets of themselves. Raphael Alejandro’s character also emphasizes the challenges of maintaining friendships in the face of social pressure and expectations. The impact of the final decisions and pledges of allegiance is increased because the film does not hold back when depicting the conflicts and tensions that can arise in friendships.

The Challenges of Life in High School

The film Incoming delves into the various obstacles of high school life, capturing both the lighthearted and somber aspects of this pivotal period. The film offers a realistic portrayal of the challenging high school environment, complete with negotiating peer pressure and social hierarchies. The chaotic party serves as a microcosm of the larger high school setting, which presents the characters with a whirlwind of challenges and opportunities for growth.

The way the film depicts high school parties is particularly intriguing. It captures the thrill and trepidation that frequently accompanies these occasions, illuminating the highs and lows of teenage social life. The direction of the Chernin brothers makes sure that these sequences are thought-provoking as well as entertaining, letting audiences laugh at the ridiculousness while also thinking back on their own experiences.

More than just a high school comedy, Incoming delves deeply into adolescent identity, friendship, and the difficulties of high school life. The movie tells a compelling story in a dynamic way that appeals to viewers by using the setting of a wild party. The film Incoming embodies the essence of adolescence through its heartwarming and relatable moments of reflection mixed with comedic elements. The movie serves as a reminder of the value of self-discovery, the enduring power of friendships, and the fortitude required to get through the challenges of high school life through the experiences of its characters.

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