Mark Ruffalo’s Hesitation Turned Triumph: How RDJ Convinced Him to be Hulk


Mark Ruffalo, known for his incredible portrayal of Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), initially had reservations about accepting the role. However, it was the persuasive efforts of none other than Robert Downey Jr. that convinced him to take on the iconic character.

Replacing Edward Norton: Mark Ruffalo stepped into the shoes of Bruce Banner, succeeding Edward Norton, in the first Avengers movie. While Ruffalo’s performance garnered acclaim, his journey with the character almost took a different turn due to initial hesitations.

Scared to Take on Hulk: During a candid conversation with Jimmy Fallon, Ruffalo revealed the trepidation he felt when initially approached for the role. He expressed being scared, unsure of how he could add to what Edward Norton had already accomplished in the 2008 film, “The Incredible Hulk.”

Joss Whedon’s Encouragement: Joss Whedon, the director of The Avengers, attempted to alleviate Ruffalo’s concerns, affirming that he was indeed the right person for the role. Despite Whedon’s reassurance, Ruffalo continued to harbor doubts until an unexpected call changed his perspective.

RDJ’s Iron Man Style Convincing: Robert Downey Jr., embodying the spirit of Iron Man, took it upon himself to convince Ruffalo to embrace the role. In true Downey fashion, he called Ruffalo and simply said, “Ruffalo, let’s go. We got this.” This persuasive and confident approach from Downey, who had already established himself as a cornerstone of the MCU, played a pivotal role in Ruffalo’s decision.

Ruffalo recalled the conversation, stating, “And then after that, I was like, ‘I guess I have to do it.'” The Iron Man star’s encouragement helped Ruffalo overcome his initial reservations and commit to portraying the beloved character.

Getting Hands on the Script: Mark Ruffalo, known for his commitment to reading scripts before signing on for projects, managed to get a few pages of the Avengers script. This access allowed him to read scenes featuring his character, ultimately confirming his interest in taking on the superhero role.

Ruffalo’s journey from hesitation to acceptance, propelled by the support of Joss Whedon and the persuasive words of Robert Downey Jr., stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit that has defined the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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