In his new book, ‘They’re Here, They Have Gears, Get Used to It,’ Bill Maher examines ‘Digisexuality’ Video

Bill Maher explores the concept of “digisexuality” or “robosexuality” in his latest book “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You,” dedicating an entire chapter to this intriguing phenomenon. In a recent conversation with Jimmy Fallon, Maher delves into the topic, shedding light on the growing trend of individuals who eschew human relationships in favor of intimate connections with technology.

Maher draws parallels to the 2023 Spike Jonze movie “Her,” where the protagonist forms a romantic relationship with an artificial intelligence. He highlights real-life instances of individuals, such as a man in China who constructed a wife for himself and a woman in France who crafted a partner using a 3-D printer, showcasing the diverse ways in which people are embracing digisexuality.

One particularly curious case Maher mentions is that of a woman in Germany who professes her romantic attachment to a Boeing 737 airplane. While Maher finds this example somewhat perplexing, he acknowledges the subjective nature of attraction and the wide spectrum of human experiences.

Digisexuality is not merely a quirky preference but a deeply ingrained identity for many individuals. Maher discusses how some digisexuals view themselves as a minority group seeking recognition and rights, comparing their situation to that of other marginalized communities. He humorously adapts the LGBTQ chant “We’re here, We’re Queer” to reflect the presence of digisexuals, emphasizing their existence and advocating for societal acceptance.

The conversation inevitably turns to the topic of sex dolls, which Maher discusses in light of advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics. He contrasts traditional inflatable sex dolls with modern, lifelike counterparts, jokingly mimicking the stiff posture of the former to highlight the stark differences. Maher predicts that his humorous pose will likely become a meme, showcasing his awareness of the internet’s ability to immortalize memorable moments.

Fallon joins in with a playful remark about the internet’s power to preserve such moments, eliciting laughter from both hosts. Through witty banter and insightful commentary, Maher navigates the complexities of digisexuality, inviting readers to consider the implications of intimacy with machines in the ever-evolving landscape of human relationships.

Overall, Maher’s exploration of digisexuality serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the intersection of technology and intimacy, challenging societal norms and prompting critical reflection on the nature of human connection in the digital age.

In his latest book “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You,” Bill Maher delves into the intriguing concept of “digisexuality” or “robosexuality,” dedicating an entire chapter to this emerging phenomenon. During a recent conversation with Jimmy Fallon, Maher delved into the topic, providing insight into the growing trend of individuals who opt for intimate relationships with technology over traditional human connections.

Drawing parallels to the 2023 Spike Jonze film “Her,” Maher highlighted the protagonist’s romantic entanglement with an artificial intelligence, illustrating how fiction often mirrors reality. Maher emphasized that digisexuality isn’t confined to the realm of cinema; real-life examples abound, such as a man in China who built a robotic wife and a woman in France who crafted a partner using a 3-D printer. These instances showcase the diverse ways in which people are embracing digisexuality as a viable alternative to conventional relationships.

One particularly curious case Maher mentioned involved a woman in Germany who professed her romantic attachment to a Boeing 737 airplane. While Maher found this example somewhat perplexing, he acknowledged the subjective nature of attraction and the vast spectrum of human experiences. By highlighting such cases, Maher challenges societal norms and prompts readers to reconsider their perceptions of intimacy and companionship.

Digisexuality isn’t merely a quirky preference; for many individuals, it’s a deeply ingrained identity. Maher discussed how some digisexuals view themselves as a marginalized community seeking recognition and rights, likening their struggle to that of other minority groups. Through humor and wit, Maher adapted the LGBTQ chant “We’re here, We’re Queer” to reflect the presence of digisexuals, emphasizing their existence and advocating for societal acceptance.

The conversation inevitably shifted to the topic of sex dolls, given the advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics. Maher contrasted traditional inflatable sex dolls with modern, lifelike counterparts, humorously mimicking the stiff posture of the former to underscore the stark differences. He predicted that his humorous pose would likely become a meme, demonstrating his awareness of the internet’s propensity to immortalize memorable moments.

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