Doria Ragland, mother of Duchess Meghan Markle, made a notable appearance at a recent charity event, where she mingled with celebrities including the Kardashians and Jenners. The event, which celebrated the 5th Anniversary Soiree of “This Is About Humanity,” saw Ragland pose for photos with the likes of Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Here’s a closer look at the event and Ragland’s interactions:
Doria Ragland with Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner
Doria Ragland, the mother of Duchess Meghan Markle, attended the 5th Anniversary Soiree of “This Is About Humanity” in Los Angeles on August 26. At the event, Ragland was seen striking poses alongside celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. The 66-year-old was captured in photos with the mother-daughter duo, radiating a warm smile at the camera. Clad in a floral pink and orange paisley dress, complemented by elegant gold jewelry, she showcased a simple yet refined style.
Interestingly, the charity event also featured the presence of Jeff Bezos and his fiancée Lauren Sánchez. Sánchez was being recognized for her contributions in raising awareness about separated and reunified families, as well as supporting vulnerable communities on both sides of the border through her charitable work and donations. Reportedly, Sánchez has donated over $1 million to the organization.
Doria Ragland’s Previous Outings and Relationship with Meghan Markle
Doria Ragland has been actively participating in various events, including an outing for artist Honor Titus in Beverly Hills in July. Notably, she had accompanied her daughter Meghan Markle and son-in-law Prince Harry to the Ms. Foundation Awards in New York City earlier in May.
Ragland shares a close bond with her daughter, often referred to affectionately as “Flower.” Meghan’s friend and makeup artist, Daniel Martin, has highlighted their strong relationship, noting that Meghan draws strength from her mother. Ragland is described as “classy, chic, and confident, but not unapproachable,” embodying a balance of grace and approachability.