Demi Lovato, renowned for her roles in Disney’s “Camp Rock” and her candid discussions about personal challenges, has once again shared a revealing aspect of her life. The 31-year-old artist, who has openly addressed her struggles with anxiety, depression, and bisexuality, recently shed light on the inspiration behind her hit pop song, “Cool for the Summer.”
In a candid interview, Lovato shared that the song was inspired by a romantic fling she had with another prominent female celebrity. She also discussed the challenges she faced in coming out as bisexual due to her Christian upbringing. Here’s what the former Disney star revealed about the creation of the song and her journey towards self-acceptance.
Demi Lovato Reveals the Song’s Inspiration
During an appearance on SiriusXM’s “The Howard Stern Show,” Demi Lovato provided insights into her 2015 hit song, “Cool for the Summer.” She candidly shared, “I was thinking about the hookups that I had had with a girl and decided to write this song.” Lovato acknowledged that the muse behind the song was another famous woman with whom she had a relationship at one point in her life. However, she refrained from disclosing specific details to respect her current boyfriend, musician Jutes. She stated, “I’m in a relationship now and I feel like that would be inappropriate. I missed the moment. Should’ve said it back then.” Lovato also mentioned that the mystery woman who inspired the song is unaware of her role in its creation, and their relationship was never made public.
Demi Lovato’s Journey in Coming Out as Bisexual
Discussing her sexuality, Lovato shared her personal journey in accepting herself. She admitted, “Sometimes I write songs and I just leave them, let them be.” She emphasized that she was not afraid that the song would negatively impact her career, even though “Cool for the Summer” contains themes and references related to bisexuality. Lovato revealed that she did not publicly come out as bisexual until the age of 24 or 25, largely due to her upbringing in a Christian household, which contributed to her anxiety about opening up.
Regarding her family’s response, Lovato noted that her mother, Dianna De La Garza, expressed a desire for her to be happy, while her stepfather, Eddie De La Garza, humorously suggested that he had already figured out her sexuality. Her father remarked, “Yeah, you have a song called ‘Cool for the Summer,’ like it’s obvious.”
Demi Lovato’s openness about her life experiences and her recent performance at the MTV VMAs on September 12 continue to inspire and resonate with her fans, as she fearlessly shares her personal journey with the world.
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