Daredevil Will Become Spider-Man’s New Mentor For One Dark Reason In MCU Theory


Daredevil could become Spider-Man’s mentor in the upcoming Spider-Man 4 due to their previous interactions and Daredevil’s own experiences with inner darkness. Spider-Man may gain a black symbiote suit in Spider-Man 4, potentially leading to a darker and more violent storyline for the character. The events of Spider-Man: No Way Home set the stage for a darker and more grounded story for Spider-Man, with Peter Parker facing great loss and dealing with his own darkness from No Way Home, something Daredevil could help him navigate and overcome.

A new theory in the Marvel Cinematic Universe suggests that Daredevil, played by Matt Murdock, could become Spider-Man’s mentor in the upcoming Spider-Man 4. Building on their interactions in No Way Home, where Murdock served as Peter’s lawyer, the theory explores the potential of Daredevil guiding Spider-Man through a darker and more challenging phase.

Darker Arc with a Black Symbiote Suit: The theory speculates on Spider-Man acquiring a black symbiote suit in Spider-Man 4, following the post-credits scene of No Way Home where a piece of symbiote is left in the MCU. This sets the stage for a potential Symbiote Saga, portraying Spider-Man with increased aggression and violence, similar to the comics. The darker arc fueled by the symbiote’s influence aligns with the character’s struggles in the aftermath of No Way Home.

Spider-Man 4’s Darker and Grounded Story: Spider-Man: No Way Home concluded with Peter Parker facing public scrutiny, losing loved ones, and dealing with inner darkness. The theory anticipates a darker and more grounded Spider-Man 4 story, with Peter navigating the challenges of being a lone vigilante in New York. The potential exacerbation of his darkness by the black symbiote suit sets the tone for a compelling narrative.

Daredevil’s Role as Mentor: Daredevil, having battled his own inner darkness in the Daredevil TV series, is positioned as the ideal mentor for Spider-Man. The theory suggests that Daredevil’s experiences and struggles, particularly during his black suit era, make him well-equipped to guide Spider-Man through periods of loss and rising darkness. The idea of a street-level Spider-Man story in conflict with Wilson Fisk’s Kingpin adds an exciting layer to the potential collaboration.

  1. Why does the theory suggest Daredevil could become Spider-Man’s mentor in Spider-Man 4?
    • The theory proposes that Daredevil’s experiences with inner darkness and previous interactions with Spider-Man make him an ideal mentor.
  2. What major event in Spider-Man: No Way Home sets the stage for a potential darker storyline in Spider-Man 4?
    • The post-credits scene teases the presence of a symbiote, hinting at a Symbiote Saga for Spider-Man.
  3. How might a black symbiote suit impact Spider-Man’s character arc in Spider-Man 4?
    • The theory suggests the suit could lead to increased aggression and a darker narrative for Spider-Man.
  4. What challenges does Peter Parker face at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home?
    • Peter deals with public scrutiny, loses loved ones, and faces inner darkness, setting the stage for a darker Spider-Man 4.
  5. How does Daredevil’s own journey, particularly during his black suit era, make him suitable as Spider-Man’s mentor?
    • Daredevil’s experiences battling inner darkness align with the potential struggles Spider-Man might face, making him a fitting mentor.
  6. In which previous MCU movie did Daredevil serve as Peter Parker’s lawyer?
    • Daredevil, portrayed by Matt Murdock, served as Peter’s lawyer in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  7. What is the speculated impact of a Daredevil and Spider-Man team-up in Spider-Man 4?
    • A: A potential street-level conflict with Wilson Fisk’s Kingpin adds an exciting dynamic to the collaboration.
  8. Why does the theory anticipate a darker and more grounded story for Spider-Man 4?
    • The events of No Way Home, including public revelation and personal losses, set the stage for a more mature and grounded narrative.
  9. What iconic Marvel character was mentioned in the theory as a potential antagonist in Spider-Man 4?
    • A: Wilson Fisk, also known as Kingpin, is speculated to be a potential antagonist in Spider-Man 4.
  10. When is Spider-Man 4 expected to be released?
    • A: The release date for Spider-Man 4 is not mentioned in the article.
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