Before being arrested, Justin Timberlake ‘had one martini’.

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Justin Timberlake, the 43-year-old pop star, was arrested for driving while intoxicated in the early hours of Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Sag Harbor, New York. Timberlake claimed to the arresting officer that he had only consumed one martini and was following his friends home when he was pulled over by the police. According to documents seen by PEOPLE, Timberlake insisted, “I had one martini and I followed my friends home.” This statement is now a focal point of the incident, highlighting his attempt to minimize the perceived severity of his actions.

Despite his claims, the police report detailed several concerning observations. Timberlake allegedly drove through a stop sign and failed to maintain the right side of the roadway. The arresting officer noted that Timberlake’s eyes were “bloodshot and glassy,” and there was a strong odor of alcohol emanating from his breath. These physical signs of intoxication, combined with his erratic driving behavior, painted a clear picture of impairment. The report also indicated that Timberlake exhibited other signs of intoxication, such as slowed speech, an inability to divide his attention, unsteady footing, and poor performance on all standardized field sobriety tests.

Before being arrested, Justin Timberlake 'had one martini'. 3

Following his arrest, Timberlake was taken to a police station, where the report was read aloud to him. Timberlake initially refused to take a chemical test, responding with a firm “No, I’m not doing a chemical test.” Even after the report was read to him two more times, he maintained his stance, stating, “I refuse [to take a chemical test].” His repeated refusals highlight a significant aspect of the case, as declining a chemical test can have serious legal implications and often leads to harsher penalties.

As a result, Timberlake has been charged with one count of driving while intoxicated. Additionally, he received two citations: one for running a stop sign and another for failure to keep in lane. These charges underscore the multiple violations that occurred and the seriousness of the situation. The combination of driving offenses and the refusal to comply with the chemical test protocol paints a comprehensive picture of the incident’s gravity.

Timberlake was held overnight for arraignment and has since been released. He is scheduled to appear in court on July 26. This upcoming court date will be crucial in determining the legal consequences Timberlake will face. The incident has drawn significant attention due to Timberlake’s high profile as an award-winning musician and actor. The legal proceedings and their outcomes will be closely watched by both the public and the media, potentially impacting Timberlake’s public image and professional career.

The events leading up to Timberlake’s arrest began earlier in the evening when he enjoyed a meal with friends in The Hamptons. A source told that Timberlake was out to dinner with friends, and there were police cars stationed outside the restaurant, as is common in the area during late hours. The source explained, “Justin was out to dinner with friends and there were cop cars stationed outside the restaurant, like there are most nights. They look for people who are leaving after midnight who might have been drinking.”

Timberlake left the restaurant around 12:30 am and was promptly pulled over by the police. The source emphasized that there was no significant incident at the scene, noting, “Nobody was hurt and there was no drama at the scene.” This detail highlights the routine nature of the police stop and the absence of any immediate danger or conflict during the arrest. However, the fact that Timberlake was stopped shortly after leaving the restaurant suggests that the police had reasons to believe he might have been driving under the influence, leading to the subsequent observations and arrest.

Before being arrested, Justin Timberlake 'had one martini'. 4

This arrest marks a significant moment in Timberlake’s life, given his public image and successful career in the entertainment industry. As he prepares for his court appearance, the situation serves as a reminder of the legal and personal repercussions that can arise from driving under the influence of alcohol. The incident may also impact Timberlake’s public perception and could potentially influence his professional endeavors moving forward. His decision to drive after drinking, and the subsequent arrest, highlight the critical issue of drunk driving and its consequences, especially for high-profile individuals whose actions are subject to public scrutiny.

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