A Star-Studded Cast Brings “A House Without a Father” to Life


The remarkable ensemble cast of the gripping faith-based drama “A House Without a Father,” which opens on October 15, 2024, adds nuance and realism to the film’s poignant story. The film, which was written and directed by Contrina Jenkins-Buggs and Carlos Wallace, follows Sheron Scott, a single mother, and her two daughters as they deal with a lack of income and the effects of an absent father. A closer look at the roles played by the gifted actors in this moving tale is provided here.

Ashlie Young takes center stage as Sheron Scott, the film’s protagonist. As a single mother working multiple jobs to support her family, Young portrays Sheron with both strength and vulnerability. Her character faces significant challenges, including the risk of losing their home and the emotional strain of her daughters’ reactions to their father’s absence. Young’s performance is crucial in conveying the depth of Sheron’s sacrifices and her unwavering determination to keep her family together.

Yolan Young plays Shawn Scott, Sheron’s estranged husband. Although his role is more peripheral, Young’s portrayal adds crucial context to Sheron’s struggles. The absence of Shawn Scott is a driving force behind the family’s difficulties and emotional turmoil, making his character’s influence felt throughout the film.

Kayla Buggs stars as Morgan Scott, one of Sheron’s daughters. Morgan is depicted as a quiet and withdrawn young girl, struggling to cope with the challenges posed by their financial situation and her father’s absence. Buggs’s nuanced performance captures Morgan’s internal conflict and emotional growth as the story unfolds.

Saniyah Owens plays Aaliyah Scott, Sheron’s other daughter. In contrast to Morgan, Aaliyah exhibits rebellious and resentful behavior, reflecting her struggle with the family’s circumstances. Owens brings a raw intensity to Aaliyah’s character, highlighting the different ways children can respond to familial and financial stress.

Quentin Boutte Jr. as Akeem Ojode, adds a layer of complexity to the film’s narrative, enhancing the portrayal of the community surrounding Sheron and her family.

Dionne Jerrols plays Taylor Evans, whose role adds depth to the secondary characters and their interactions with the central family.

Carlos Wallace, who co-wrote the film, also stars as Donald O’Day. His performance complements the film’s thematic elements and adds a distinctive touch to the story.

Deniece Edwards appears as First Lady Yvonne (also credited as Deneice Edwards-Scott), bringing a notable presence to the film’s religious and community aspects.

Corey Wright takes on the role of Pastor Tony, a character who likely provides spiritual guidance and support within the narrative.

Regina Cooper plays Miss Richardson, who interacts with the central family and contributes to their journey.

Cameron King portrays Chante James, whose role enriches the film’s character dynamics.

Maystead Chris Allen as Charlie adds another layer to the film’s exploration of community and relationships.

The film also features unique voice performances:

Brittney Chauntell Alexander voices Poet Lady 380 in “MY SKIN,” providing a poetic and emotional element to the story’s soundtrack.

Liz Faublas voices Movie Opening, contributing to the film’s atmosphere with her vocal performance.

Robert E. Timmons II voices Sleight the Poet in “YOUR PURPOSE,” adding depth to the film’s thematic exploration through his poetry.

Andre Jenkins plays a High School Teacher, further exploring the educational and social settings in which the story unfolds.

Kirby Hollins takes on the role of a Student at Senior High School, illustrating the film’s impact on the younger generation.

Alani Champion plays Morgan’s Friend, supporting the main characters and adding to the film’s portrayal of peer relationships.

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