Which ray tracing is superior between the PS5 and PC in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree?

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I am here to talk to you about the nuances of ray tracing after venturing into the dangerous realm of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree and coming across some rather strong fire golems. Though praised by critics, how does FromSoftware’s most recent DLC perform in terms of ray tracing on various platforms? In this extensive comparison, we will illustrate the subtle differences between the PC and PS5 at different times of day and in different locations.

The dynamic weather system of Elden Ring poses a significant challenge for capturing consistent screenshots, but despite the difficulty, I managed to compile a revealing set of comparisons to address a crucial question: Which platform, PC or PS5, offers the superior ray tracing experience? And, more importantly, is ray tracing a feature worth enabling?

Which ray tracing is superior between the PS5 and PC in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree? 5

Let’s begin our exploration at Gravesite Plain, the site of the first Grace in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. Here, the differences between PC and PS5 with ray tracing on and off are immediately apparent.

In the Morning shots, the subtle nuances become evident upon close inspection. Without ray tracing, the grass to the left of the Grace exhibits a faint glow, almost as if touched by a subtle ethereal light. However, when ray tracing is enabled, this glow diminishes, creating a more subdued and natural lighting effect. Similarly, the grass around the character’s feet appears brighter without ray tracing, but this brightness seems more realistic and integrated into the environment with ray tracing on.

Which ray tracing is superior between the PS5 and PC in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree? 6

Subsequently, the dynamic lighting effects become increasingly noticeable in the Night images at Gravesite Plain. Ray tracing’s effects become more evident in spite of shifting sky and meteorological conditions. A visible warmth that appears to be absent when ray tracing is activated surrounds the Grace when it isn’t there. But ray tracing really shines on the character’s armor, where it shows off improved reflections and shadow features that give the model more depth and vibrancy. I would personally prefer ray tracing enabled in this circumstance, even though it does result in a slight loss of ambient warmth.

Scorched Ruins, another significant location in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, offers a different perspective on ray tracing effects between PC and PS5. Here, the contrast between the two platforms is more pronounced, particularly in the Noon shots.

In these shots, the differences in lighting and shadow detail are more apparent. With ray tracing disabled on PC, the character model appears bright and well-defined against the scorched backdrop. However, this clarity sometimes gives the character a slightly disconnected look from the environment. In contrast, enabling ray tracing on PC integrates the character more seamlessly into the scene, with nuanced shadows and reflections that enhance the realism of the armor and surroundings. Despite the differences in lighting presentation, the cohesive visual experience with ray tracing enabled makes it a preferred choice in this location.

Here, the architectural details and lighting contrasts are stark. With ray tracing disabled, the environment retains a high contrast, with deep shadows emphasizing the structural intricacies of columns and surrounding elements. However, enabling ray tracing introduces a subtle brightness around light sources like braziers, which illuminates the immediate vicinity but may sacrifice some of the finer details and contrasts in the stonework and surrounding environment. The decision between ray tracing on or off here hinges on personal preference for visual fidelity versus stark contrasts, with each option offering distinct visual advantages.

Which ray tracing is superior between the PS5 and PC in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree? 7

PC gaming offers the advantage of higher frame rates and customizable graphics settings, allowing players to tailor their experience for optimal visual fidelity. With ray tracing enabled, PC can deliver a more immersive and visually stunning gameplay experience, enhancing details like lighting, shadows, and reflections that enrich the game world’s realism.

On the other hand, PS5 maintains stable performance at 30 frames per second (fps) with ray tracing, providing a reliable and visually compelling experience that showcases the game’s aesthetic without compromising on smooth gameplay. While PS5 may not match the graphical customization options of PC, its hardware optimization ensures a consistent and enjoyable gaming experience.

Whether you prefer to experience Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree with ray tracing on PC or PS5 depends largely on your preferences for visual fidelity, performance expectations, and available hardware. For those prioritizing the highest graphical fidelity and customization options, upgrading to a capable GPU for PC gaming is recommended. Conversely, PS5 offers a streamlined and reliable gaming experience with ray tracing enabled, ensuring that players can immerse themselves in the atmospheric world of Elden Ring without technical compromises.

Because each platform has distinct advantages that can improve the gaming experience, choosing between the PC and PS5 for ray tracing in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree ultimately comes down to personal preference and platform capabilities.

Which ray tracing is superior between the PS5 and PC in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree? 8

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