I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate’s exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent.


Even though I enjoy playing video games and reading, for some reason, I’ve never had a liking to visual novels over the years. Although the concept has always piqued my interest, I’ve never felt pressured to own one. I saw the announcement for Echoes of the Emergent a few months ago, and that’s when that changed. I quickly decided to download Echoes of the Emergent after seeing a preview of its gritty look and depressing ambiance, which are described as “a personal journey through a shattered post-apocalyptic world.” I’m really impressed now that I’ve had a chance to play it.

The developers of Bloom, RNG Party Games, are the same people behind Echoes of the Emergent, a Playdate-only game. The protagonist, Ayumi, finds herself in a devastated metropolis, embarking on a perilous quest to salvage whatever sustenance she can. She feels scared and alone, and her anxiety about running out of resources is growing. As the narrative goes on, there are flashbacks to a period when everything were normal and Ayumi’s depressing new reality. Remembrances of her family and friends—some sad, some happy—are intertwined with her desperate attempts to survive and carry on. There’s a cat as well.

I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate's exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent. 6

The narrative is illustrated with haunting backgrounds of Ayumi’s dilapidated surroundings, which move ever so slightly to create a really unsettling effect. If you press the down arrow on the D-pad, you can collapse the text box to get a full view of the backgrounds. It takes a few hours to get through the entire story, but it’s definitely worth carving out some time for. You can save your place by pressing ‘B’ to pull up the menu.

Visual novels have always been a genre on the periphery of my gaming interests. Their blend of storytelling and interactivity seemed like an ideal match for someone who enjoys both books and games. Yet, despite this apparent compatibility, I never found myself diving into one. The announcement of Echoes of the Emergent changed that. The game’s premise, described as a journey through a shattered post-apocalyptic world, immediately caught my attention. The gritty aesthetic and melancholic atmosphere were captivating, prompting me to preorder it without hesitation. Now that I’ve experienced Echoes of the Emergent, I find myself genuinely impressed.

I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate's exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent. 7

The protagonist, Ayumi, sets out on a dangerous scavenging mission in a shattered city at the start of this Playdate-exclusive visual novel from RNG Party Games. As Ayumi moves through this barren environment in search of food and supplies, the tension in the air grows instantly. Her anxiety and desperation are evident. Ayumi’s current predicament is highlighted by the story’s deft transition between her current troubles and memories of her former normal life.

Ayumi’s memories of her family and friends are interspersed with her desperate efforts to survive. These flashbacks add depth to her character, making her more relatable and her situation more tragic. The inclusion of a cat as a companion in some of these memories adds a touch of warmth and normalcy, further emphasizing the stark difference between past and present.

The aesthetics of the game are very important in establishing the mood. The strange, uncomfortable impact is heightened by the gentle shifts of the hauntingly beautiful backgrounds that reflect Ayumi’s surroundings. Players can fully appreciate these backgrounds by collapsing the text box using the D-pad’s down arrow, which adds to the immersive experience. The novel takes several hours to complete, but the captivating plot and dramatic presentation make the time commitment worthwhile.

One practical feature I appreciated was the ability to save progress by pressing ‘B’ to access the menu. This makes it convenient to play in short bursts or to pause the game without losing progress, a handy feature for a visual novel that can be both emotionally intense and time-consuming.

I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate's exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent. 8

My expectations were not only satisfied, but surpassed by Echoes of the Emergent in numerous aspects. Players are drawn into Ayumi’s world and are invested in her outcome by the gripping tale. The decaying cityscapes and eerie flashbacks provide a realistic portrayal of the post-apocalyptic world, and Ayumi’s life is vividly shown. The game’s basic principles work well to improve the storytelling experience. Players may experience the story at their own leisure thanks to the save feature and the option to examine the entire backgrounds, which both enhance immersion.

For someone who has never delved into visual novels before, Echoes of the Emergent serves as an excellent introduction to the genre. Its engaging story, atmospheric visuals, and thoughtful design make it a standout title. The game’s ability to evoke strong emotions through its narrative and visuals is a testament to the potential of visual novels as a medium.

The blend of interactive elements with a rich, character-driven story creates an experience that is both unique and memorable. Echoes of the Emergent has opened my eyes to the possibilities of visual novels, and I find myself eager to explore more titles in this genre. The game’s success lies in its ability to make players feel deeply connected to its characters and world, a feat that is not easily achieved.

For both beginners and lovers of visual novels, Echoes of the Emergent is a must-play. A unique title in the Playdate portfolio, it has an evocative presentation, a gripping story, and fun gameplay. This game could be the ideal starting point for anyone who has been hesitant to try a visual novel. It has definitely converted me into a fan, and I’m eager to read more novels in this genre.

Through clinging to the shards of her past and negotiating an uncertain future, Ayumi’s journey is about more than just surviving. The story of the game weaves a complex web of meaning and emotion by switching back and forth between the present and flashbacks. As Ayumi struggles in the present, it is all the more heartbreaking because every memory she can remember is a part of who she is. A little but important feature that gives dimension to the story is the cat, a recurrent element in her memories and a symbol of the normalcy and comfort she longs for.

I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate's exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent. 9

The backgrounds in the game are more than just visual elements; they are a narrative tool. The subtle movements in the dilapidated surroundings create a sense of unease, mirroring Ayumi’s inner turmoil. The ability to collapse the text box and take in the full scene allows players to immerse themselves fully in the game’s atmosphere. This design choice enhances the storytelling, making the player feel the weight of Ayumi’s journey.

Emotions are involved when playing Echoes of the Emergent. It’s amazing how well the simple yet effective text and graphics in the game can capture complex emotions. It serves as a reminder of how effective visual novels can be as narrative vehicles. The game places more emphasis on telling a gripping story and fostering an immersive environment than it does on intricate gameplay or cutting-edge graphics.

For me, Echoes of the Emergent was a revelation as a novice to the world of visual novels. I’ve learned from it that this genre has the capacity to tell gripping, emotionally charged stories. The modesty and story emphasis of the game are key factors in its success. It’s a potent illustration of how video games can tell stories and arouse strong feelings while leaving a lasting impact.

I was first drawn to visual novels by Playdate's exquisitely lovely exclusive, Echoes of the Emergent. 10

The experience that is Echoes of the Emergent beyond that of a game. It’s an intimate and individualized voyage through a post-apocalyptic universe. After you’ve completed the game, you’ll still be thinking about Ayumi’s story since it is one of resiliency and optimism. It is a magnificent example of the potential of the visual novel genre and a monument to its strength. Echoes of the Emergent is a great place for anyone interested in going deeper into graphic novels.

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