Fitness Influencer Savannah Wright Shares How To Transition From Being An Employee To A Business Owner

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Savannah Wright is a fitness model, influencer, and business owner, starting her fitness career from scratch, while she worked a full-time corporate job. Wright now helps women take control of their bodies and build the physique they want through a unique workout program. She sat down with us to talk about how to make the transition from being an employee to being a business owner.

What can you share with us about making this transition process smooth?
Savannah Wright: First find something you are passionate about and get fulfillment from. Then you must really dedicate yourself to it. For me, that was fitness and wanting to help other women who, like me, wanted to change their bodies but did not know where to start. Find what you are passionate about, it is easy to work hard if you love what you do. You also must be consistent, both with what you put into the business and the messages you share with your customer base.

Did you quit our job when you started your fitness business?
Savannah Wright: I worked my full-time job for over a year while I built up my business. I learned how to juggle both and am committed to building my business. I found time on the weekend, in my downtime to make my content and take pictures, then worked on them throughout the week. When I reached a point where it could sustain itself, then I quit my job to do this full time. I needed that regular paycheck to keep myself financially secure.

What are some key steps to getting a business to grow so one can become independent from a traditional job?
Savannah Wright: Find something you absolutely love and are proud to share, teach, sell etc. With that, you need to have a business model, and then decide how you will monetize your business. What are you going to offer the public, the consumer? Identify that, and then focus on being the best at it. Maybe it is a class, a brand, a product, a system for growth. Find a platform to monetize your services, and be intentional about this, otherwise, it is just a hobby.

You can connect with Savannah on Instagram and YouTube, and learn how the Get Fit With Sav fitness program works right here.

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