Entrepreneur and digital media expert Marcuus Lawrence is racing ahead with the one-of-a-kind influencer marketing tool ‘InSwip’

Marcuus Lawrence

A decade ago one could have not even imagined that we would be living in a world where an individual will be the voice for a product or a brand online. In other words, the concept of bloggers and influencers influencing the purchasing power of people did not even exist back then. However, the times have surely changed now. In this new era of social media and digital media, influencer marketing has exploded as one of the successful mediums for brands and companies. Today we tell you about one of the prolific names named Marcuus Lawrence who has created a rage in the business of influencer marketing.

The immense knowledge that he possesses about social media and digital marketing saw the entrepreneur launch a tool called ‘InSwip’. It is the ultimate platform to find the influencers of any category from across the globe. Highly recommended by many companies, ‘InSwip’ has made it easy to run influencer campaigns by sitting in any corner of the world. All it needs to be done is register on the tool by signing in and find the right influencer to promote any business online. To give the clients the best influencers to boost their business, ‘InSwip’ tracks thousands of influencers in real-time from 25 different countries.

With its global vision, the numbers that are generated on the influencer marketing tool can make anyone’s jaws drop. So far, ‘InSwip’ has done almost 2,30,000 product placements with more than 4000 influencers by promoting around 10,000 shops and businesses over the digital domain. Looking at this milestone, the tool analyzes influencers over two different criteria – analysis of promotions made through Instagram stories and analysis of demographics and authenticity of the audience. The digital entrepreneur furthermore shared his take on how influencer marketing has changed the dynamics of online businesses.

Speaking about the same he said, “Influencer marketing is the fastest communication to scale any business. Social media and other digital platforms have become a monetary tool that not just benefits the brands but also helps the influencers to rake in a lot of moolah.” He then revealed that Instagram and Snapchat stories enable to trigger purchases quickly with the call to action button to swipe up that redirects to the website and helps in building tremendous website traffic. The radical pace at which Marcuus Lawrence is going by inviting the latest influencer marketing trends rightly shows how online businesses have taken over the internet in the last few years.

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