Decoding and motivating people towards MEDITATION – The Indian Monk Prashant Pandey

With the world and universe evolving and constantly changing, we should also put some effort into the evolution of the inner self. We should try to give meditation as much time as we give entertainment into our lives.

Prashant Pandey is a notable figure in the realm of meditation, sharing information on reality to the people who look for it, having achieved it himself, and presently driving others down the path of truth. Right now, Prashant Pandey is continually rousing individuals to join contemplation yoga and bring it into their lives. He helps us to understand a different meaning of spirituality. It is being told and accepted by people in different forms in different streams of thought. In the midst of all this, the original spirituality has started getting lost and the purpose of spirituality too.

He explains to us how Meditation yoga in pure form has always been one of the most sacred and best paths. It is to raise the conscious level of a person to a higher spiritual state. At present, everyone is trying to humiliate others by considering their information as basic knowledge and are going astray from the original purpose. In this situation, their spiritual knowledge is also corrupted and faultless

Prashant emphasizes how necessary it is that a person develops his intuition by giving himself time in meditation and yoga and progressing on this noble path understanding the difference between right and wrong.

Elaborating with a small example, how in our daily life, knowingly and unknowingly around us, we create some such energy pulsating thoughts, due to which a very negative atmosphere starts forming around us. He was watching such a web series on, where the female character was worried and sad in her mind. This led to these sad thoughts and contemplation of what kind of misery there is in the life of the people, These thoughts of being contemplated by him so deeply that its vibrations created a strange sad atmosphere in his house around him. In a short time, this led to a quarrel between his parents on some small issues. Resulting in a very sad and serious atmosphere in the whole house.

This trail of events led him to deep research which helped him understand the situation and triggers effectively.

Now he tells us when an individual sits in a reflective situation in a place where he feels home and meditates with a quiet psyche, it helps him believe that the entire creation is exuberant and bliss. This is the point where he can feel certain energy will stream in his life, his home, and the general climate. stream is made. Along these lines, in the event that reflection is made with regards to its diversion, what is wrong.

He has also examined Kriya Yoga exhaustively in any case, in the event that we comprehend it more or less, it very well may be perceived as follows: some significant yogic exercises ought to be coordinated so that the force of awareness inside you can totally shake you from the inside and cause you to do yoga with its own unadulterated energy structure through constant practice.

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