Coolbeam Stretch Mark Removal by Dr. Simon Ourian


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Would you like to learn more about Coolbeam, Dr. Simon Ourian’s stretch mark removal treatment? Then, our guide here has got you covered.

Over 80% of Americans have stretch marks. But no one ever wants them.

Are you constantly wishing you could show more parts of your body without being embarrassed? Do you wish you could show off your newly-toned glutes and abs without thinking about the stretch marks?

Simon Ourian can fix that for you and boost your confidence! As a celebrity doctor who has worked with celebrities like Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian, he knows what he is doing.

If you’re interested, keep reading to learn more about Epione Beverly Hills and what they can do for you! 

What Is a Stretch Mark?

When skin shrinks or stretches too quickly, stretch marks can occur. This happens when collagen and elastin rupture in the skin. The most common times you’ll get stretch marks are during:

In the beginning phase of stretch marks, they appear dark purple or red in color and may be itchy and raised. As time goes on, they will fade and reduce in size.

Stretch Mark Removal

Although they don’t cause physical harm, stretch marks can easily impact your self-confidence and mental health. It can be embarrassing to show stretch marks in public.

Luckily, there is a lot that can be done about stretch marks to bring back the confidence you deserve to have! There are a variety of treatment options out there. Removing stretch marks is a simple procedure that ranges from person to person.

Based on your needs, stretch mark removal can be tailored to you. Before we decide on treatment, we take into consideration age, skin condition, and size of the scarring.

Besides offering creams and over-the-counter treatments, there are also more invasive treatments. These treatments use lasers and reshape the skin.

Epione currently offer two types of stretch mark removal. One is blue light therapy and the other is Coolbeam.


Coolbeam therapy was created by Simon Ourian to address women?s stretch mark problems. It’s now one of the hottest celebrity stretch mark removal treatments?women and men alike.

Coolbeam Stretch Mark Removal by Dr. Simon Ourian

This therapy treats all skin types and has a fast recovery time. Using a short, pulsing laser, the treatment improves the elasticity of the skin. From there, the skin begins to repair itself naturally.

Damaged tissue will be eradicated and newer tissue will appear with more collagen and elastin.

Swelling or redness may appear after the treatment, but patients do not report uncomfortable side effects after the stretch mark removal.

Ready for Stretch Mark Removal with Simon Ourian?

Dr. Simon Ourian: Cosmetic Dermatology Doctor and Innovator

Being in the public eye can be intimidating. Add in having stretch marks that you are trying to hide, and it’s even worse.

At  Epione Beverly Hills, Dr. Ourian?s team has dedicated themselves to their practice. They have established themselves as a beloved practice that cares about its patients and their health.

Whether you are young or old, they can address your needs. Contact them today to begin your stretch mark removal with Simon Ourian.

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