Books by PrashantAdvait Foundation Top Amazon Bestseller Chart

PrashantAdvait Foundation, led by Acharya Prashant, has recently broke all records as a book publisher. Six books published by the Foundation have been included in top eleven in ‘Spirituality’ category on Amazon. This is a hitherto unseen achievement not only for any author, but also for a publisher. Hardly do we ever see a bestseller list with so many titles from the same author or publisher.

PrashantAdvait Foundation is a non-profit, spiritual education organisation widely known for its work in spreading Vedantic wisdom with an objective of demolishing myths by harnessing the power of Upanishadic literature.

The founder of PrashantAdvait Foundation, Acharya Prashant, is a renowned Vedanta exegete, author of the Nielsen National Bestseller book, Karma, and is a famous YouTube personality with over twenty million followers across various social media. On YouTube alone, Acharya Prashant’s channel receives over two million viewings on a daily basis. His following grows by the day with scores of ordinary people benefitting from his teachings, thus creating an unprecedented wave of refurbished interest in Vedantic literature and its profound ability to provide permanent solutions to life’s various problems.

Over 100 books on wisdom literature, authored by Acharya Prashant, available in Hindi as well as English, have been popular outlets for dissemination of wisdom literature. In the recent past, PrashantAdvait Foundation created an in-house publication unit with a vision to enhance and streamline the publication process, so as to maximize the reach and variety of spiritual literature. Today, it is a proud publisher of eighty plus books with themes ranging from Upanishadic interpretations, human nature and questions of desire, fear, happiness, death, and specific issues of the youth, women, families etc. One can choose from a multitude of interesting topics such as Mahabharata, Relationship, Panchatantra, Fear, Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita – to name just a few from the goldmine of wisdom books by Acharya Prashant.

All the titles by PrashantAdvait Foundation are available on e-commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart. Average daily sales are now touching 400 books, registering promising growth of interest in Vedantic knowledge.

With the beginning of the new year 2022, the Foundation resolved to revolutionize the access and reach of Upanishadic wisdom through a unique nation-wide campaign called Ghar-Ghar Upanishad, under which the Upanishads are being directly taken to homes of the individuals free of charge, with an aim to cover twenty crore households in India. Ghar-Ghar Upanishad campaign brings a principal Upanishadic text: Sarvasar Upanishad — decoded and simplified by Acharya Prashant for the common man, in a manner such that it can be easily understood and absorbed.

Outreach amongst the youth has been a cornerstone of PrashantAdvait Foundation from the very beginning of the mission in 2006. With an aim to create empowered youth population, Acharya Prashant has deliberately penetrated the young demography and worked amongst them using different media to spread the Vedantic message. With the youth movement gaining momentum, the Foundation has been getting involved in organizing spiritual talks and sessions with live audience from some of the leading educational institutions of the country such as IIT- Delhi, AIIMS- Nagpur, IIT-Hyderabad, University of Delhi, to name a few. The popularity of the events and the enthusiastic uptake of Acharya Prashant’s insights is a standing testament to the importance of propagating and multiplying the reach of wisdom literature.

PrashantAdvait Foundation has made massive inroads the arena of spirituality. Armed with wisdom books and plethora of online resources, the Foundation is a promising vision as well as a shining hope for the future of true spirituality in the world.

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