Ajay Rai Explains The Impact of Apple?s iOS 14 Update on Advertizers, There?s Still Hope

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It’s no secret that the Apple iOS 14 update has shaken Facebook advertisers. The digital space has been chaotic with this buzz. But Ajay Rai, Facebook ads expert and the founder of Upcoach says that it’s not a lost cause. He offers hope to advertisers and says that the threat is not as bad as it looks.

Ajay Rai says that there are a lot of rumors and misunderstandings surrounding this major update. He thinks that first and foremost, it’s important that advertisers have a clear idea of how iOS 14 update affects them.

How Apple iOS 14 Update Affects Advertisers According to Ajay

The changes will affect the way Facebook receives as well as processes conversions with Facebook pixel. Conversion events are absorbing a major impact of this update. In other words, Apple now needs all applications to ask its users for permission to track them if they are doing so outside of their own platform.

For instance, “XYZ would like permission to track you across app and website owned by other companies. Your data will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.”

After displaying a message like this, it provides the user with two options. One that enables them to allow tracking and another that it enables them to ask the app not to track. This means that unless users explicitly allow apps to collect the data, it will impact advertisers.

Why is Facebook lashing out with concern?

As expected, Facebook doesn’t like this update due to the Domino effect it can create. This update has ended facebooks tracking of user behavior which results in inaccuracies in reporting conversions. This also weakens targeting options and diminishes personalization with more wastage of ad spend.

How are Facebook advertisers going to plan their strategy in spite of the iOS 14 update?

Ajay always followed a tenacious approach towards Facebook advertising. Despite the life-changing update by apple, he continues to think that advertisers can still make the most out of this adversity. Here are some steps the CEO of Upcoach recommends.

1.    Verification of Your Domains

Verifying your domain with Facebook in the business manager is the foremost and the easiest step. Go to the Facebook business manager and select ?Domains? under the ?Brand Safety? option.

2.    Defining The Eight Primary Conversion Events for Tracking

For every Facebook pixel, advertisers are able to optimize for eight conversion events. that’s the maximum! It’s highly recommended that you define them yourself otherwise Facebook will do that on the basis of what it perceives to be relevant.

3.    Encourage Authenticated Site Login

If you are offering a valuable lead magnet on landing pages, use the email addresses and other personal information for retargeting. The experience should be authenticated at all times.

4.    Increase User Shares by Offering Incentives

Make a part of your target audience spread your word out there! Even if you are able to reach less people, offer them an incentive for sharing your message or give out rewards per referral.

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