Nicotine Pouches Offer Tobacco-Free Snus Alternatives

Nicotine Pouches

In a previous look at the Rebel global brand for snus, we discussed the introduction of smokeless tobacco goods as global products. Rebel’s white snus is part of company leader Atef Hazime’s “smokeless future” mission –– the intent being to offer “less-harmful products” to smokers, so that they can gradually reduce their habits. The idea is that those using the products will be able to manage cravings long enough to stop craving actual cigarettes.

It’s certainly an interesting effort, and potentially a helpful one. There is one serious drawback, however, which is that snus products contain tobacco –– which is responsible for some (though not all) of the negative effects of smoking. Accordingly, a Healthline report on snus cites numerous studies that have at least suggested serious health consequences of snus use. The write-up acknowledges that study results are “bewilderingly diverse,” but goes on to convey some evidence of snus leading to increased risk of conditions like pancreatic cancer, oral cancers, and more.

This is one reason behind growing interest in nicotine pouches as alternatives to snus for people looking to stop smoking.

Nicotine pouches are tiny packets designed to deliver controlled hits of nicotine orally. And crucially –– unlike snus, which is otherwise quite similar –– they are entirely tobacco-free. The pouches are filled only with nicotine, sweeteners and flavoring (in some cases), and fibers from plants. They are placed beneath the user’s upper lip, where they can simply be left alone as they gradually reduce small amounts of nicotine into the system for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour at a time. Once the user is done, a pouch can be safely disposed of as ordinary trash.

Despite being relatively new to the tobacco alternative market, pouches have established appeal based on their ease of use, range of flavors, and the perception that they’re less harmful than products like snus. There are already a few prominent brands for users to choose from, though it’s fair to say that ZYN pouches are becoming the most recognizable in the early going, and for good reason. ZYN comes from Swedish Match (an established tobacco brand), and was designed to appeal to the American market. The company produces a variety of flavors (like mint, coffee, and citrus), as well as different pack sizes and strength levels. It is also branded in a clean, clear manner –– almost reminiscent of some popular gum and mint products Americans know and trust. With all of that said however, Zyn is not alone. One reason the pouch market is thriving is that there are also competitors –– with Velo, Bridge, and On! All offering similar features and perks to Zyn.

Once again, all of these products are fairly new, and are still working to establish themselves. However, the argument that they are a safer alternative to similar products appears to be picking up steam, and paving the way for success. Case in point, an article at WebMD listed hiccups, a sore mouth, and an upset stomach as the only potential side effects of note from using a nicotine pouch. By comparison, the piece highlighted some of the aforementioned cancers, as well as gum disease, tooth loss, cavities, heart disease, and stroke as possible consequences of using tobacco products. This is perhaps the clearest comparison of risks, and it works strongly in favor of the newer, tobacco-free products.

While the market is still developing, the emerging nicotine pouch space does appears to offer a safer alternative to snus for those who want to ease away from cigarettes use. These pouches are easy to use, and can help users to avoid withdrawal symptoms, reduce smoking habits, and ultimately –– with some discipline –– kick the habit.

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