Losing weight is easy, you just have to stay motivated, says fitness expert Wanitha Ashok


“The key to weight-loss motivation is similar to the [amount of] fuel in a car — you don’t need the motivation tank to be full to drive, you just need to prevent it from running empty,” says Wanitha Ashok, Fitness Motivator. “For fitness & weight loss, the success of your journey is based on your ability to stay motivated throughout. Motivation is easy at first, but holding on to it may breed a little challenge. Please know that this is normal. You will have days where motivation is at its all-time high and other days where motivation is at an all-time low.”

She further continues, “Losing weight because you want to is one thing, but what about when you have to? How do you keep weight loss motivation high when it feels like your calories are low? The most common reason for weight loss failure is setting unrealistic goals and following unsustainable diets and exercise programs that you don’t see results from. People can be very impatient and have high expectations. Wouldn’t life be great if there was a quick fix, right? But it’s making a lifestyle change that will yield long-term results.”

The fitness and wellness industry is witnessing a huge boom. And a large part of it is due to social media content posted by fitness motivators. People love the self-paced format of online exercise routines shared by influencers. Many non-celebrity influencers are regular people with their fat-to-fit journeys, which adds to their relatability. Wanitha’s Instagram account is full of eating clean & weight loss tips and short exercise routines. You can see many such pictures and posts on her Instagram, which show her hard work and confidence. Her talent and dedication have certainly made her a popular fitness motivator in India.

“Many know me from social media as the fitness motivator who is always smiling while coming up with exercise. What they may not know is that like everyone else, I too struggle with finding ways to keep my motivation up when it comes to diet and exercise. As a full-time wellness influencer and a mom, I have an awful lot going on. Sometimes it is easier to head for the couch with a bag of chips than plan a healthy meal and fit in a workout. Still, I will make it happen. Believe it or not, fitness is a state of mind. If you want to stay fit and healthy, you’ll find a way to do it. It all comes down to the choices you make every day.”

How exactly? The difference between those who throw in the towel and those who reach their goal is simple: staying motivated. A few strategies which I follow to stay committed to my goals even when I encounter the inevitable dip in motivation which I am sure will help you too. “Knowing your ‘why’, ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘who’, breaking your exercise goals down in small steps, publicizing your goal, focusing on your health and surrounding yourself with inspiration.”

Follow her on Instagram @wanithaashok

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