JetSetFly tweeted life-saving advice for Gen Z’s — and it will protect yourself and business

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Trust is important in any relationship, be it personal or professional. But, unfortunately, It’s a foundation that, once broken, can take years to repair. The feeling of being betrayed of trust can linger for many years with its victim, and the circumstances that come along with it could either make or break a person. Betrayal is a misfortune JetSetFly—“Josh King Madrid” had to learn about the hard way. 

JetSetFly shares with us 5 lessons that allow you to spot those that do not have your best interest in mind. 

These lessons are universal. Everyone talks about them, but they are difficult to truly understand until one experiences the consequences of not following this advice— until only then do they really make sense.  The Josh King Madrid story is one of the greatest comeback stories of 2021. Having been kicked down and betrayed by some of his former trusted people, he has fearlessly picked up his broken pieces and used them to rebuild a web3 empire. 

JetSetFly is a multiple 8-figure internet marketer, he has created and scaled multiple seven-figure businesses from the ground up, hosted hundreds of business events, and served 14K+ customers. 

On the one hand, JetSetFly’s life may sound like a smooth-sailing tail. But at one point, he lost everything he worked hard for after being betrayed. “It’s an unfortunate truth of business and life: being betrayed. It was one of the toughest experiences in my life. I lost my house, one of my cars, my friends, and nearly $1 million dollars and wasted tons of money on a frivolous lawsuit after being betrayed by one of my business partners. 

He regrets none of these experiences though, he sees all of these as important learning lessons needed to point him in the direction of building businesses with blockchain technology. JetSetFly says what happen to him in the past is not possible today due to blockchain and NFT technology combined with the lessons he has learned to implement into his life. Whether it’s business, blockchain or even best friend relationships, there’s two things for sure that are important across the board—truth and transparency. 

Source: JetSetFly spotted at Gary Vaynerchuk’s VeeCon taking photos with followers & NFT enthusiast 

Today, Josh King Madrid shares five lessons he learned that he would like to share with other entrepreneurs

First: “Regardless of how well you know someone, treat any business agreement with due diligence. Motives can be hidden, even if they’re your best friends.”

Second: “Listen to what your gut tells you, aka pay attention to red flags. If someone tells you who they are, you better believe them. If someone lacks ethics and values in one area of their life, it’s more likely than not that they lack them in every other area as well.”

Third: “Don’t broadcast that you’ve been betrayed. Don’t tell anyone. Keep it private. Don’t go on social media and expose them. Hold your poker face. This is your battle to overcome, not everyone else’s. Shout, cry, or scream in private, but don’t do it in public.”

Fourth: “Just because you lose a battle doesn’t mean you lost the war. Life is long, and this is only temporary. The best is always yet to come, so pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. The reality is the betrayal happened for a reason. So you could learn some hard lessons and move forward only now, this time stronger, smarter, and more resilient.”

Fifth: “Find people to work with who not only have skill sets you can benefit from but that are committed to the same principles in life and work that you are.”

Being betrayed is tough, but one can always bounce back from its depths, and JetSetFly is the proof.

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