Looking for The Best Silk Pillowcase in The Market? Look No Further Than Frenchie Wear

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about silk pillowcases, maybe you even own one. Apart from their luxurious feeling there’s a few great reasons silk pillowcases have risen in popularity in recent years. Their silky texture helps to prevent frizz and hair breakage, and their antimicrobial properties help to reduce acne breakouts. Not all silk pillowcases are created equal though, and we think we’ve just found the best silk pillowcase on the market thanks to Frenchie Wear.

Founded in 2020, Frenchie has since taken Australia by storm. Their Frenchies being worn by a number of the largest influencers on social media, their launch amassed a whopping $65,000 in sales during the company’s first month. Since the launch of their oversized hoodie blankets, Frenchie has branched out into other avenues. Founder Jack Tanasi oversaw the launch of their signature anti-acne silk pillowcases last month to great success.

Used in Asia for thousands of years, there’s quite a few reasons the East reveres silk products. Easier to care for than you might think, silk products are naturally hypoallergenic. Silk’s natural resistance to dust mites, fungus and mould, as well as many other allergens, makes them the perfect solution to not only allergy sufferers, but the whole family. Silk also helps our skin by helping it retain its natural hydration. By not absorbing as much of our face’s natural oils as traditional pillowcases, you may not have to fork out ridiculous amounts of money on expensive hyaluronic acid serums and other beauty products that claim youthful hydration. The lack of absorbed facial oil and sebum also means less bacteria being stored in your pillowcase between washes, certainly helping to reduce those breakouts.

Also helping to reduce inflammation and breakout is the quality of the silk. Silkworms produce a fine silk fibre with little chemical exposure, which is then spun to create the silk fabric. Many other fabrics in the marketplace, by contrast, are produced from chemically intensive crops that require pesticides, herbicides and other chemical treatments before making it to your bed sheets. Unfortunately, these days it’s very easy to constantly come into contact with chemicals, but you can reduce that chemical exposure during your night’s sleep by switching to a Frenchie silk pillowcase.

Produced from domesticated mulberry silk worms that are bred and raised in captivity, Frenchie uses the highest grade of mulberry silk available.  The quality of silk is measured in momme. So basically, the higher the momme, the better the silk quality. Available in the beautiful colours, Frenchie’s silk pillowcases are made from high-grade 22 momme mulberry silk. “We want our customers to feel that sleeping on our silk pillowcases is what sleeping on a cloud would be like,” says Jack. “As well helping them achieve healthy skin and hair, a good night’s sleep is the most important thing for our health. We wanted to create the perfect silk pillowcase to help our customers float into a perfect sleep.”

So, if you haven’t already, it’s probably time to switch to a silk pillowcase. To shop Frenchie Wear’s amazing line-up of silk pillowcases, click here.

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