Dr. Shawana Vali – Dermatologist To The Stars & Biohacker To The Billionaires

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Dr. Shawana Vali

Cosmetic dermatologist to the world’s elite, Dr. Shawana Vali is known for her aesthetic artistry, sculpting and perfecting the world’s most beautiful faces. 
The twice board-certified doctor is renowned for her microcontouring and makeup-free skin, but her expertise spans far wider. 
‘My interest in functional and personalised medicine stemmed from the limitations that a generalised model of medicine place within a healthcare system – something I experienced whilst practicing medicine in the USA and UK.’

‘Let’s assume that you and I both visit our doctor for the same symptom, a standard adult dose of a medicine might be prescribed. But you and I may be different ages, different ethinicites and different genders. What works for one does not neccessarily work for another.’
So what does Dr Vali do differently for her elite clientele?

‘Personalised medicine looks at your own individual bellcurve, we undertake comprehensive analysis of over 300 biomarkers identifying differences in your genetis and DNA. From this we can create a biohacking programme to optimise your output on all levels – be this energy, performance, libido, fertility or metabolism.’

‘Biohacking uses your own cells to fix you. In my London flagship clinic, LMS Wellness, we use prescription strength intravenous nutrient therapy, cryotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and supercharged supplementation programmes. I can hack your metabolism to increase fat burning capacity and reduce appetite via neurofeedback pathways. Or optimise cognition and memory with superhero IV boosters of amino-acids and vitamins.’

And what about those not lucky enough to be on Dr Vali’s most coveted and exclusive little black book?
Here is my list of ‘hacks’ to start supercharging your own cells at home:

1 – Fasting: Intermittent fasting has hero health benefits, raising metabolic rate, regulation of insulin levels and helping you burn more calories. It refuduces internal inflammation and some studies have shown it may reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. For beginners – try the 16/8, fast for 16 hours between 6pm and 10am, then eat three meals during the 8 hour eating window. 

2 – Sleep: Maximum cellular repair and restoration occurs when we sleep, so a high quality, deep-restorative sleep is critical for both cognitive and physical health. Biohacking your sleep to optimise the amount deep sleep can be done at home. Exposure to blue light from phone, laptop and TV screens affects the circadian rhythm by suppressing production of melatonin. So switching off 2-3 hours before bed will improve your sleep quality. 

3 – Supplementation: A prescription strength supplementation programme can start at home. First establish what output you want to improve. For more energy – look for naturopathic energisers such as Ashwaganda, vitamin B12 and CoQ10. For better memory, focus and concentration look for adaptogens such as Cordyceps, Tumeric and Ginseng. For metabolism and weight loss, look for green tea, Vitamin C and Alpha-Lipoic-Acids. 

‘The ‘By Dr Vali’ product line allows my adaptive skin-care programmes, new breed skin technology ‘Cutis’ and micro-contouring technique to be experienced across the globe, but also extends to supplements and tinctures to biohack your body.’

From CBD gummies to boost brain function, to adaptogenic tinctures to supercharge your libido – the exclusive ‘By Dr Vali’  product line will soon be available for all of us to experience our own biohacking journey. 
So what will be your superpower?

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