The release of The Next 365 Days has occurred. Will Netflix release 365 Days 4?

Despite Netflix not having officially announced 365 Days 4, you shouldn’t rule out Laura and Massimo following the confusing conclusion of “The Next 365 Days.”

The Blanka Lipiska books were the inspiration for a trilogy of movies, the first of which was a faithful adaptation but the second of which diverged from the story to tell its own storyline.

Similar to the second film, the third offered a narrative that was distinct from the book it was based on. Everything came to a different conclusion than what was anticipated.

A fourth 365 Days movie may be released on Netflix if “The Next 365 Days” proves to be as well-liked by audiences as the previous two 365 Days films.

The potential release date for 365 Days 4 on Netflix

Since Netflix hasn’t announced a release date, there isn’t one as of August 2022.

The second and third films were released pretty close together since they were shot back-to-back (April 2022 and August 2022). We will have to wait a little while as it is unknown whether a fourth film is in the works.

If there is a fourth film, it may be released in the same timeframe as the sequel to 365 Days, which took two years to make. If we ever get back together.

Since Netflix has always depended on the first 28 days to gauge the success of its movies or TV episodes, we might not have to wait too long until another movie is published. As soon as we discover more, keep an eye on this space for updates.

What is the standing of the 365 Days 4 trailer right now?

Filming hasn’t yet begun on 365 Days 4, so there won’t be any footage for a while. Netflix hasn’t even confirmed 365 Days 4. Only a few weeks had passed since the third movie’s trailer had been made public.

The Laura and Massimo trilogy is currently available on Netflix for rewatching.

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