Ryan Reynolds, set to star in “Deadpool 3,” is gearing up for a new project with director John Krasinski, known for “The Quiet Place.” However, Reynolds finds himself puzzled by Krasinski’s unexpected role in a promotional video for the family-friendly film “If.”
In a playful nod to a classic prank from “The Office,” actor Randall Park, known for “WandaVision,” portrays Krasinski, tricking Reynolds in the promo. The prank, dubbed “Asian Jim” from Season 9 of “The Office,” sees Park’s character fooling Dwight into believing he’s Jim Halpert. In the “If” promotion, Park impersonates Krasinski to deceive Reynolds, leading to a humorous exchange reminiscent of the iconic scene.
Reynolds humorously quotes the classic line from “The Office,” with a twist, exclaiming, “You’re not John Krasinski,” as Park’s character is revealed. The promo showcases Park’s antics behind the scenes of the movie “If.”
Interestingly, Park previously admitted to forgetting his cameo on “The Office,” mistaking strangers’ references to “Asian Jim” as instances of racism.
“If” centers around imaginary friends and promises a whimsical experience akin to a live-action Pixar film, according to Reynolds. Krasinski not only directs the film but also pens its script. Additionally, Krasinski reunites with his “Office” co-star Steve Carell, who voices a character named Blue. The star-studded cast includes Cailey Fleming, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Emily Blunt, and Matt Damon.
Fans can catch a sneak peek of “If” during the Super Bowl, with the film set to premiere in theaters on May 17.