Doja Cat made a bold statement on the Grammy Awards red carpet on February 4, 2024, donning a corset gown and showcasing multiple tattoos, including one on her forehead that reads “Dilara Findikoglu.” The tattoo pays homage to Turkish-British fashion designer Dilara Findikoglu, the creator of the gown Doja Cat was wearing.
The now-viral tattoo has sparked considerable attention and speculation about its permanence. Many fans and social media users are curious about whether the forehead tattoo is permanent or temporary. Notably, Doja Cat did not have the visible tattoo in her previous Instagram posts, leading to speculation that it might be a temporary addition for the occasion.
The tattoo choice is a unique and visible way for Doja Cat to honor the fashion designer, Dilara Findikoglu. The Turkish-British designer, originally from Istanbul, moved to London at the age of 19 to pursue fashion design at Central Saint Martins. Despite facing exclusion from presenting her work at the school’s graduate press show, Findikoglu organized her guerilla street show called Encore CSM, allowing other excluded batchmates to exhibit their designs.
In 2016, Dilara Findikoglu launched her eponymous label, gaining recognition in the fashion industry. She rose to fame in 2017 when she was chosen as the designer for the Met Gala after-party, collaborating with renowned personalities such as Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Bella Hadid, and Roisin Pierce. Findikoglu won the 2017 Fashion Scout Merit Award and received a nomination for the prestigious LVMH Prize. Her work has been featured in museums and galleries, including the Tate Modern and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Doja Cat’s Grammy appearance also featured additional tattoos, including one below her left eye with the word “Akermo” and an outline of a tower-like structure on her neck, extending to her arms. While fans speculate about the temporary nature of these Grammy tattoos, Doja Cat has previously showcased permanent ink, such as a bat skeleton on her backside and a spider tattoo on her lower back, both revealed in 2023, along with a scythe tattoo behind her ears.
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