Men: A Horror Thriller full of mysteries. Trailer is Out.

Men: A Horror Thriller full of mysteries. Trailer is Out.

Men: A Horror Thriller full of mysteries. Trailer is Out.

A trailer of Men has been released, it is a horror film. The trailer discloses more details about Men although it kept the suspense secret. The trailer starts with a pleasant music as the protagonist Harper reaches the picturesque country home as a means of escape from the outside world, one in which she endured trauma. The house is comfortable and cozy, it has a garden with apple tress. But when the host of this new house began inquiring Harper about her spouse, she start getting visions of a man who is falling to his death. Soon, the tone of the trailer changes from a cheerful to a sinister one.

In this trailer too, Harper is seen wandering through a tunnel where she stumbles upon a strange figure. Later, this same creepy creature begins following the protagonist just like the thought of her husband committing suicide by jumping from the balcony. Despite escaping from her traumatic life, Harper is not safe. One of the most frightening aspects of the movie is that each male character depicted in the trailer is played by Kinnear whether it is a priest, a cop, a bartender and a child. Each of these men are attempting to make Harper feel guilty for the demise of her husband and acknowledge that she drove him to end his life.

Earlier, Alex Garland worked with A24 in “Ex-Machina”, a science-fiction thriller about human conscience and capability of Artificial Intelligence to imitate it. Later, Garland directed “Annihilation” in 2018 which released on Netflix and starred Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac and Gina Rodriguez. Annihilation explores human nature. After eight years, Alex is back with A24 and directed a horror film which do not have any element of science and technology.

It is unclear whether these male characters are embodiments of the mysterious figure Harper runs into in the tunnel or a hallucination. Men will release on 20th May this year.

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