Special Operations (2024): Story, review, and cast |K-Drama

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Release Year: 2024

Genre: Historical, Drama, Action

Episodes: 32

Age Rating: 13+


“Special Operations” is set in the turbulent year 1948 and revolves around what happened after the publication of the “May Day Slogan.” The narrative centers on a group of patriotic Democrats in Hong Kong, under the leadership of Professor Tong Jiangnan, who actively heed the Communist Party’s call to return to the liberated regions. Nevertheless, Luo Guanying and other Kuomintang reactionaries sabotage their plans by posing as Communist Party members and using them to trick Professor Tong and the other Democrats.

Su Xing, a Communist Party undercover agent, is given a crucial task to complete in Hong Kong in this high-stakes scenario. Tu Zhe, Ta Kung Pao’s deputy editor-in-chief, who was supposed to introduce him to Professor Tong, is assassinated to signal his arrival. Su Xing’s mission is made more difficult by this murder, but he is not deterred.

Special Operations (2024): Story, review, and cast |K-Drama 3

Investigating Tu Zhe is murder is how Su Xing begins his mission, and it reveals Dang Xunqi, Luo Guanying’s direct contact. The results of his investigation point to the existence of “Bee,” a covert spy. In order to stop the Kuomintang agents’ plans and protect Professor Tong and the other Democrats, Su Xing fights them to the death throughout the entire series. An important win for the Communist Party is ultimately achieved when Su Xing successfully escorts them back to the liberated areas.


“Special Operations” is a riveting historical drama that expertly combines suspense and action with a deep story of resiliency and patriotism. The meticulous way in which the series captures the political intrigue and espionage that defined the era makes it stand out. With Xia De Jun and Liu Yi Dan leading the way and giving their characters nuance and realism, the ensemble turns in excellent performances.

The gripping narrative keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Su Xing makes her way through a dangerous and deceitful environment. With intricate costumes and sets that faithfully depict 1948 Hong Kong, the production values are excellent. The show explores loyalty, selflessness, and the tenacious human spirit in addition to providing a historical account.


Xia De Jun

Liu Yi Dan

Wang Quan You

Wang Hui

Liu Hui

Jiang Chao

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