Josh Brolin says he doesn’t regret turning down Jurassic World role

Actor Josh Brolin who has appeared in several MCU movies, and is best known for his role as Marvel Comics supervillain Thanos says he doesn’t regret declining the role of Owen Grady in Colin Trevorrow’s sci-fi adventure movie Jurassic World. He also claimed that Chris Pratt was the appropriate person for that role. With the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Pratt changed his image from a goofy comic-book hero to a goofy action hero. This led to his casting as Owen Grady in Jurassic World. The production first approaches Brolin for the role but after he turned down the role it was given to Pratt. He has since played the role of Owen Grady in Jurassic World: the Fallen Kingdom and the upcoming movie, Jurassic World: Dominion. 

Brolin reveals that he doesn’t regret not taking on the part in a new interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast. In the end, he simply couldn’t visualize himself as Grady. Pratt, he continues, was “the right guy” for the role, which he feels he relinquished and is “very, very happy” about. “And Jurassic World, with all respect to Steven, I could not picture me doing it. I could not picture me being that guy. And I’m very, very happy, based on my decision, about what Chris does with it because I think Chris is the right guy. When I saw Chris in Guardians of the Galaxy, cause I knew him a little bit before that, I was just like, What? I mean, we all were. I even said it to him, kind of embarrassingly, when I saw him at a party once, and I was like, Dude, what the f*ck? Cause I get really excited about other people doing well, it doesn’t just have to be me. I think I knew from a big picture standpoint that somebody else would do a much better job than me.”

Pratt also was very happy with his role in the Jurassic World. He had grown so much since then. The actor has played Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy sequels, as well as in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, alongside Brolin himself.

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