Everything geeky you should know about House of the Dragon

Fans of “Game of Thrones,” it’s time to put your trust issues from season 8 aside and get back to Westeros for another trying adventure! With an increased CGI dragon budget, HBO’s upcoming spinoff “House of the Dragon” claims to contain all of the original series’ rich backstory.

Your “House of the Dragon” experience will probably benefit from a little geek homework, as it is with any excellent high fantasy story. This information can help you avoid frequent misunderstandings like “Why are all of these blonde individuals so depressed?” before you watch. or “Wait, they have a connection?”

We are in the era of many dragons

Prequel series “House of the Dragon” centres on the Targaryen dynasty, which is known for its myth, lunacy, incest, and purple shampoo. Due to regicide and what appears to be a family lack of self-control brought on by decades of inbreeding. Even Daenerys Targaryen, one of the few people still alive after the events of Game of Thrones, is abruptly dispatched to the Shadow Lands by her nephew-lover, Jon Snow.

Regardless, HoD is set 200 years before the events of “Game of Thrones,” at a time when the Targaryens are at their height of power and ready to engage in the “Dance of Dragons,” a vicious and ferocious succession conflict.

Remember that the Targaryens were a dragon-riding menace during their height of power, thus their house motto, “Fire and Blood.” The family came from Valyria, where they had lived before, on their scaled mounts, which also assisted them in capturing all of Westeros. All of those dragons from the first season of Game of Thrones are long dead. They are (probably) still alive and well in HoD.

You’ll recognise a lot of Westeros

The first Targaryen king, Aegon, constructed the Iron Throne, therefore it is unquestionably still in existence. You may recall that numerous Game of Thrones (GoT) characters made enquiring remarks about Aegon and his two sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya, who were the first Targaryens to enter Westeros and (literally) ignite the situation. They rose to power in Westeros as the first reigning house of the Seven Kingdoms. As a result, the governmental structure in force at the time of HoD has only ever had Targaryen kings.

Aegon was also responsible for the Red Keep, which is why it is present, along with the King’s Landing neighbourhood.

You’ll spot a few familiar homes! Of course, there is the representation of the Hightowers. There are a few Baratheons here and there. At this time in Westeros’ history, the Lannisters are only small, albeit extremely wealthy, characters. We’ll discover more about House Velaryon, a different Valyrian-derived house that appeared in “Game of Thrones” on occasion. However, don’t anticipate recognising any characters from the first season of “Game of Thrones.”

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