Doja Cat cancels attending award show, reasoned tonsil surgery and infection from vaping

Doja Cat is on the mend, but she will have to cancel all of her upcoming engagements. The 26-year-old singer announced on Twitter Thursday evening that she had surgery to remove an abscess from her left tonsil the previous day. Doja Cat detailed her tonsil infection in a series of blogs before to the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday.

Doja Cat, whose true name is Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, made the announcement just one day after a flurry of tweets detailing her throat problems in graphic detail. She opened up about her vaping addiction and the troubles it was causing her throat and tonsils on Thursday evening.

“My whole throat is fed,” she said, according to Page Six. “I could have some awful news for you coming soon.” “I was taking fin’ antibiotics but forgot about them, and then I drank wine and vaped all day, and then I began getting a nasty-ass growth on my tonsil, and they had to do surgery on it today,” she added in a second post. After disclosing graphic details of her treatment, the Kiss Me More singer assured she was OK.

She went on to describe her effort to break free from her vape addiction. “I’m hooked, but not helpless. I was actually gazing at my vape today, which I would typically use a thousand times a day, and I only used it two times. For the time being, I’m going to try to quit cold turkey, but perhaps my brain won’t require it at all by then “she penned When others chastised her for not quitting right away, she responded, “it doesn’t assist anyone and it simply seems condescending to anyone who is truly battling with nicotine addiction.”

In the meanwhile, according to Page Six, Doja Cat was nominated for 14 prizes at the Sunday music awards gala in Las Vegas, where she rocked a black, angular Schiaparelli gown with a translucent beige breast wrap over Agent Provocateur gold metallic pasties.

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