Deadpool 3: Hugh Jackman addresses Wolverine and Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool relationship

Hugh Jackman outlines the Wolverine timeline for Deadpool 3 and how it links to Logan ahead of the start of shooting on Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds’ forthcoming Marvel Studios feature. Through James Mangold’s Logan, Jackman put an end to his role as Wolverine in Fox’s X-Men series. However, with Marvel Studios regaining creative control over the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and all of their tie-in characters from Fox, Disney’s 2019 acquisition of 20th Century Fox led in a renewed demand to see the actor reprise the role in the MCU.

Despite the ongoing attention, Jackman steadfastly insisted that he was done portraying the character. Jackman had maintained his position on the subject up until August 2022, when it was revealed that he would be returning as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. There are still uncertainties on how Wolverine’s planned MCU appearance would impact the happenings in Logan, especially whether it will reverse the mutant’s demise. But in a recent interview with The Empire Film Podcast, Jackman successfully solves the puzzle by outlining the Wolverine timeframe in Deadpool 3.

Jackman said, “He was actually really cool about it. I did tell him that it took place before our movie, so I wasn’t gonna screw with the claws popping out of the grave. So he was relieved by that, and he totally got it. He thought it was a good idea. None of us wanted to screw with that. I was really proud of that movie and what we did, and it felt perfect. And actually, for five years, I was really, honestly, I can tell you, I was kind of a hard done, I was like, this was it. It was August 14, I remember driving and it just came to me like that. I just thought this would be so much fun. I’ll probably have more fun on that movie than anything I’ve ever done…This year. And August 13, I was like, ‘I’m never playing that part again, I promise you.’”

The eagerly awaited MCU movie, which will be directed by Shawn Levy, will debut in November 2024. Deadpool 3’s specific story points are still being well guarded secrets. Jackman has revealed bits of information giving the public an indication of what to expect from his character in the threequel, despite the fact that neither the performers nor anybody else engaged in the film is allowed to discuss spoilers. He disclosed that in Deadpool 3, Wolverine will be more enraged than ever. The Adamantium-clawed may be grumpier since he is forced to work with Deadpool, who is potentially quite aggravating, although he didn’t get into that in his explanation.

Levy hinted to Wolverine’s presence in Deadpool 3 in a separate interview, praising Reynolds and Jackman’s outstanding connection. This leads to fresh ideas for the film’s script, which, according to him, would be entertaining for the public to see when the film is finally released. Hearing Levy and Jackman’s updates on their collaboration, which has taken years to develop, is quite thrilling. Given their previous performances, there is already no doubt that both actors will excel in their individual parts, but watching them work together might result in something truly exceptional.

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