Cher Opens Up About Aging: I’d Give Anything to Be 70 Again

cher honest

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In a recent interview, iconic singer Cher shared her candid thoughts about aging, expressing a desire to turn back time. Despite the celebration of the 25th anniversary of her hit song “Believe,” Cher admitted that she finds the passage of time frustrating.

During the interview with Harry Smith on Today, when asked about the milestone anniversary of “Believe,” Cher responded with a mix of humor and honesty, expressing frustration about aging. She bluntly stated that the passage of time “pisses the f–k out of me,” indicating her dissatisfaction with the process of getting older.

Cher elaborated on her feelings about aging, revealing that while her mother didn’t mind growing older, she personally finds it challenging and wishes she could go back to being 70 years old. This sentiment underscores her discomfort with the aging process and her longing for youth.

Despite her frustration with aging, Cher has maintained a vibrant and active lifestyle, staying connected with both younger and older friends and keeping up with trends. However, she emphasized that she is not trying to feel or be younger but simply embracing who she is and navigating life as it comes.

Cher’s candid remarks shed light on her perspective on aging, highlighting the complexities and challenges that come with growing older while also embracing one’s identity and experiences. Through her honesty, Cher continues to inspire fans to embrace themselves and navigate the journey of aging with grace and authenticity.

Francois Durand/Getty Images for Messika
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