BTS’s Jungkook Is Upset With The Stalking Behavior Of Sasaeng Fans Outside His Gym

BTS’s Jungkook called out the stalking behavior of his fans who showed up in front of his gym, during a live session on Weverse on Friday.

The star spent some quality time with his fans and answered some of their questions later. When asked about what he’s planning for this weekend, Jungkook replied, “I don’t have anything tomorrow. I’m just going to work out.” It was then the star recalled being stalked by some of his fans at his gym.

Jungkook stated, “Oh, and yeah, I wasn’t going to say anything. I’m really thankful that you guys are cheering for me, and sending me lots of interest and love. I’m really thankful. I really am.” He continued, “Please don’t come to see me when I am exercising. I was really surprised last time.”

The star further added, “I finished working out, and I had to go home. That time when we did that live broadcast. It was about 20 minutes or 30 minutes… 20 minutes before going home, and I turned on the live stream.  I was going to go home, but there were people there. I’m really thankful for the interest you show me, but this was not an official schedule (I went to). So you know.”

‘I am drunk’

Fans were concerned after witnessing Jungkook’s frustration on live. Some speculated that the star might’ve drunk too much and expressed the same. Jungkook went on to say, “yes, I am drunk. I am saying this because I am drunk. Our other ARMY can come if they want to, but they don’t, and they keep the boundaries. It’s been a while since I saw ARMYs in my personal place.”

Jungkook also expressed his gratitude for the love he receives from his fans and requested them not to cross the line again. “I am thankful, but in its entirety, those actions aren’t right. That is what I want to say. I am thankful for the heart that you watched my live broadcast, and you came because you wanted to see me, but still, you know. Well, I was surprised that time. I came out trying to go home, and people were there,” he said.

The star finally added, “When I am doing something, and I think of ARMYs – I don’t want to be limited to these things (fixed schedule or place) – whether I am home or exercising, during those times when I think of ARMYs, I turn on live streaming because I want to share. But then, when you guys come while I’m doing live streaming, it would make it hard for me because I am human too.”

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