Avatar: The Way To Water Trailer Shows Pandorans Preparing To Protect Their Land From Invaders

A new clip from Avatar: The Way of Water reveals the humans having to Pandora for battle. The original 2009 film introduced Pandora, the world of the Navi, as well as the humans trying to mine it for resources, especially the rare mineral unobtanium. When human Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) takes on the shape of a Navi using avant-garde technology, he performs with the Pandora residents to defend their ground as the mining group tries to destroy the all-important Hometree, which stands over an immense assurance of the mineral. Although it’s only thirty seconds long, it packs a punch as the humans come to struggle with the Navi once more. The clip reveals that this time the humans are specifically tracking down the Navi, as the Pandorans ready to defend their land from the invaders.

For the most part, it appears that the human negative forces are led by new personalities who didn’t element into the actual film. Although Giovanni Ribisi will produce as the carefree corporate administrator Parker Selfridge, it is dark whose flank he will be on so numerous years later. This period, the account appears to be conducted by General Frances Ardmore (The Sopranos‘ Edie Falco), a military woman whose task is to support the organization’s claims, as well as marine hunting ship head Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell).

The action at the end of Avatar was mostly air-based as the Navi opposed defending their house from an airship walkout. However, living up to the label of Avatar: The Way of Water, the battlefield this time looks to be especially marine-based. The humans have come equipped with warships and hunting ships that will explore this new environment. However, disturbing Pandora’s water tribes possibly won’t pan out nicely for them, particularly once they unite points with Jake, his companion Neytiri (Zoe Saldaña), and their tribe.

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