Australia is still investigating Amber Heard for allegations of perjury

Amber Heard could be confronting one more fight in court, weeks after her criticism preliminary against ex-Johnny Depp. The entertainer is essential for a ‘continuous’ examination connected with her and Johnny’s visit to Australia during the recording of Pirates of the Caribbean 5.
Amber Heard’s legitimate difficulties appear to be not even close to finished. After her criticism preliminary against ex-Johnny Depp, Amber is purportedly being researched for claims of committing prevarication in Australia in 2015.

Days after the decision in the high-profile Amber Heard versus Johnny Depp maligning preliminary was proclaimed, where the jury favored Johnny, another report said she was important for a ‘continuous’ examination.
According to a report, Amber was being researched for carrying her canines, Pistol and Boo, into Australia, while she joined Johnny Depp, who was recording Pirates of the Caribbean 5. The two were hitched, at that point. Australia has a severe 10-day quarantine strategy, yet Amber carried her canines into the country without pronouncing them, the report added. Golden was accused of two counts of unlawfully bringing in the creatures in July 2015. Nonetheless, the case was shut, when she confessed to misrepresenting travel records in a Gold Coast court in April 2016.
Presently, Entertainment Tonight revealed that in an explanation, a representative at the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water, and the Environment affirmed that Amber’s prevarication case was “continuous.”

“The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (division) is examining charges of prevarication by Ms. Heard during court procedures for the 2015 unlawful importation of (her) two canines into Australia,” the representative told Entertainment Tonight.
Following the new Amber Heard versus Johnny Depp maligning preliminary, an appointed authority passed a composed request for Amber to pay her ex $10.35 million for harming his standing with a commentary composed a long time back. Before June 1, the jury’s decision was declared. Johnny had sued Amber over her 2018 commentary in The Washington Post, in which she called herself ‘a person of note addressing homegrown maltreatment’.

While there were reports that Amber is good to go to compose a ‘tell-all book after she was left ‘down and out’ following the criticism preliminary, as per reports, Johnny will make his re-visitation of movies soon. He will star as French lord Louis XV in his next movie, which will be coordinated by French producer Maiwenn. While the plot of the impending film has been left hidden, it will allegedly be shot in Paris, and at the Palace of Versailles. The entertainer was as of late shot in another clean-cut search in Paris.

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