The Black Adam post-credits stage including a major reveal has been revealed, generating chaos online. In the latest entry into the DC Extended Universe, Black Adam eventually introduces Dwayne Johnson as the DC antihero and delivers a source story for the titular personality who, after five thousand years of detention, is unleashed into the modern-day and conflicts with the Justice Society of America.
The DCEU film newly held its world premiere, and the first Black Adam early responses are pushing their way online with analysts arguing The Rock is electric in the lead position. Johnson’s debut has been many years in the making, and the player has long said his appearance as the DC antihero will alter the power system of the franchise. He has also always teased ties between Black Adam and the wider DCEU, including Superman and the Justice League. Black Adam doesn’t cast in theaters for another week, so viewers will have to stay and see what wonders it has in stock. However, it seems one major reveal has spread online.
Why Black Adam Leaks Are So Frustrating?
Unfortunately, these kinds of leaks occur too often. The Black Adam case is highly reminiscent of when the ranges of the Eternals post-credits scene were revealed last year. Soon after the Marvel movie’s planet premiere, the fact that Harry Styles had been released as Eros made its way online almost instantly. While social media sites try their best to draw early spoilers and leaks, they often applied so fast that they are challenging to manage and thus, unbelievable for fans to bypass. In the age of social media, maybe spoilers and leaks are a certainty that lovers must just accept. If there is one tableware lining, the post-credits location leak probably won’t put a drag on the overall excitement for Black Adam‘s big commencement weekend. For the rare few who have bypassed the major spoiler lurking about online, they will be able to participate in Black Adam‘s post-credits reveal for the foremost time in cinemas next week.