Kanye West claims that his “White Lives Matter” shirt was a “setup” and calls it “funny”

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Kanye “Ye” West is making a statement over the “White Lives Matter”-emblazoned shirt he wore to the Yeezy show on Monday at Paris Fashion Week.

When asked why he wore the shirt that immediately sparked criticism in the fashion industry and elsewhere during an interview on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight that aired Thursday, the rapper said that he does “some things from a sense.” “It’s employing a gut feeling, a connection with God, and just genius,” he continued.

West claimed that his father emailed him to express that he thought the shirt was funny, and the celebrity himself concurred. The actor recounted, “My dad is an educated ex-Black Panther and he texted a text to me today and he said, ‘White lives matter LOL.'” I responded by saying, ” The shirt and the idea of me wearing it, in my opinion, were both funny. I inquired. “

Because the same individuals who stripped us of our identity and reduced us to a hue also taught us what it means to be Black and the language we’re supposed to use, according to West when asked why he believed the shirt was perceived as contentious.

He continued by talking about his online conversation with Vogue editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson, who had condemned the garment. Then, after posting disparaging comments about the editor, including the assertion that Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour would not like Karefa-footwear, Johnson’s Gigi Hadid referred to West as a bully.

West said that influencers had been employed to persuade his estranged wife Kim Kardashian, who filed for divorce in February, during his interview with Carlson. Nobody in the fashion industry is aware of Gabby’s origins, according to West. These individuals were essentially created in a lab.

In a Tuesday Instagram post, the newspaper offered Karefa-defense. Johnson’s letter stated, in part, “Vogue stands behind Gabriella Karefa-Johnson, our global fashion editor at large and longstanding contributor.” She was bullied and personally targeted. It’s not acceptable.

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