In a video from the Venice Film Festival on Monday that has since gone viral on social media, Styles can be seen walking up to Pine to take a seat next to the actor during a thriller screening. Styles makes a quick “puh” motion with his mouth, indicating that he may have a spat, as he takes a seat. Pine pauses his ovation, looks down in his lap, shakes his head, and grinned as if the two actors had shared a joke.
Some claim that nothing is seen coming from Styles’ mouth.
The actors’ reps have been contacted by CNN for comment.
The most recent movie campaign has given rise to rumours that not everyone associated with the film is on good terms.
However, the ensemble was all smiles for the celebration on Monday.
On the red carpet, Pine was spotted playfully photographing the movie’s heroine, Florence Pugh, using a disposable camera. During a protracted standing ovation for the movie following the screening, Styles planted a friendly kiss on co-star Nick Kroll.
Social media users were quick to point out that Pugh and “Don’t Worry Darling” director Olivia Wilde had little to no public interaction, but Wilde had nothing but admiration for the actress.
In a news conference earlier on Monday, Wilde declared, “Florence is a power.” “I can’t express how grateful I am to have her as our leader enough. She is fantastic in the movie.”
The director was questioned on rumours that she and Pugh had a falling out.
As for the never-ending tabloid rumours and noise, Wilde replied, “I mean, the internet feeds itself.” “I have no inclination to give. It appears to be properly fed, in my opinion.”