The fourth season of the popular HBO series Succession has already begun filming. The Jesse Armstrong-produced television programme centres on media mogul Logan Roy (Brian Cox) and his four children, Kendall (Jeremy Strong), Siobhan (Sarah Snook), Roman (Kieran Culkin), and Connor (Alan Ruck), as they vie for control of the Waystar Royco family media empire.
Succession’s third season concluded with drama and betrayal that rivalled even Shakespeare’s most heinous plays. The drama’s highly featured background is New York City, where the production is taking place. The fourth season of the show will have ten episodes. The Roy family’s internal conflict will be followed throughout the season as Waystar Royco’s impending sale to tech tycoon Lukas Matsson nears completion. The family members will have existential crises as a result of this seismic catastrophe. As they contemplate a future in which their influence on politics and culture will be drastically reduced, a power struggle will start in the rubble.
Over 23 Emmy nominations and 9 wins were recorded for the show’s first two seasons, which included Outstanding Drama Series for the second season. The series’ star, Logan Roy, is Brian Cox. Along with Kieran Culkin, Alan Ruck, and Matthew Macfadyen, Sarah Snook plays Siobhan Roy, Kieran Culkin plays Roman Roy, Connor Roy, and Alan Ruck plays Tom, Siobhan’s husband. In the Roy family drama, Nicholas Braun plays Cousin Greg, Tom’s occasionally sidekick and frequently ignored player.
J. Smith-Cameron, Peter Friedman, David Rasche, Fisher Stevens, Hiam Abbass, Justine Lupe, Scott Nicholson, Zo Winters, and Jeannie Berlin are among the other actors who appear in the series. The season’s complete cast has not yet been revealed. Lukas Matsson, played by Alexander Skarsgrd, appeared in the previous season. The season’s premiere date hasn’t been announced, and it’s still unclear where the high drama of the third season finale will go.