The Spanish mystery-horror series 30 Coins, which debuted on HBO Max in 2020 and was extended for a second season in February, has added Paul Giamatti to its roster. The eight-part Season 2 is currently in production in Spain, Italy, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. Its premiere on HBO Max globally and on HBO in the United States is scheduled for 2023.
With Fernández as Father Vergara, a priest and ex-convict who is sent by the church to a small Spanish hamlet called Pedraza, 30 Coins is the brainchild of horror master lex de la Iglesia. Strange occurrences in the community necessitate the use of his exorcist abilities as he struggles to reconcile his history.
Vergara sets out to solve the riddle of why the village is experiencing ghostly occurrences with the aid of the town’s mayor Paco (Miguel ngel Silvestre) and the neighbourhood veterinarian Elena (Montaner). Everything seems to be connected to a coin he carries, one of the 30 pieces of silver Judas Iscariot received in exchange for betraying Jesus, which suggests a bigger plot.
The gory aftermath of Season 1’s conclusion is where Season 2 picks up. Giamatti will play the multi-hyphenate American tech and business magnate Christian Barbrow, claims Sensacine. Barbrow, a science expert and science fiction author, is the head of a mysterious group known as the “Brotherhood,” which includes some of the most influential and rich people in the world.
One of the most well-known performers of his generation, Giamatti has been on screen for many years. Although he also gained high recognition for his performances in 12 Years a Slave, Straight Outta Compton, and American Splendor, he won an Emmy for his portrayal of John Adams in the 2008 miniseries and was nominated for an Oscar for Cinderella Man. Giamatti is no stranger to the horror genre, he starred in the 2012 horror comedy John Dies at the End as well as the horror-related psychological thriller Lady in the Water by M. Night Shyamalan.