Tom Hiddleston, who reprised his role as Loki in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe’s Thor in 2011, has won tens of millions of hearts. The actor gave the best performance Loki fans could have wished for, but this was not the actor’s genuine thought. Do you know that Tom had first auditioned for the role of Thor before landing the role of Loki? Here’s the fine print, along with a video of the audition as a bonus!
Tom Hiddleston was featured in a short marketing film from the YouTube channel Marvel UK, demonstrating his audition for the role of Thor. Kevin Feige was also featured in the video in a few shots. “We were always placing our bets on Loki, we believed in him as a character,” Kevin said in the film, which opened with a handful of Loki scenes. It probably wouldn’t have gone anywhere if Tom (Hiddleston) hadn’t brought him to life as the audience did.”
The film proceeded with the opposite director discussing how Tom Hiddleston prepared for his audition for Thor. “At first, when Tom was up for Thor, he trained, he came in ripped…he did a wonderful job, but he wasn’t Thor,” the producers said, showing video of Time swinging Thor’s hammer during his audition. He was Loki from the time he walked in and started reading.”
Tom Hiddleston personally disclosed the knowledge during an interview with Jimmy Fallon on his talk show ‘The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’ in 2019. “Basically, at the time, they were seeking for sort of less well-known performers so that the viewers didn’t have an association,” the actor explained. All they wanted was for people to witness these new personalities and actors. And the understanding was that if you’re above 6 feet tall and have blond hair, you may come and try your hand at it. As a result, I never tried out for Loki. “I’ve only ever auditioned for Thor,” she says.