Actor Terry Crews shared his take on the feud between Chris Rock and Will Smith but showed that he is not taking either’s side. Terry Crews gave a very balanced point of view of the disgraceful incident at the 94th Academy Awards, when Will Smith smacked Chris Rock in the face after the comedian mocked Jada Pinkett Smith, calling her shaved head “G.I. Jane”. Crews commended Chris Rock’s temperament as he neither hit back at Smith or got angry and also said Will Smith must not be demonized.
The “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” star gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter and talked about his upcoming memoir titled “Tough: My True Journey to Power”. Terry Crews told, “Both Will Smith an Chris Rock are dear, dear friends of mine. I love them both as brothers, but there was a time in my life where I was Will Smith at that moment, and let me tell you, I’ve done worse than Will. Way overkill, just…the punishment did not fit the crime. Like, people were like, ‘What in the world are you doing?’ My wife even hade to be like, ‘You got to promise me you will never go off like this. You did not need to pick this man up and put him on his head, on the concrete.’ “
Terry Crews emphasised that Chris Rock saved Hollywood with his calmness at the Oscars, when he got hit unexpectedly by Will Smith. Crews shared, “When I look back, be what Chris did, by just deciding to hold everything together, it actually, I think in a lot of ways saved Hollywood. Because if there would’ve been a brawl on that stage, I don’t know if Hollywood would’ve ever gotten any respect again, you know? It’s hard to even imagine what would’ve happened.”
Terry Crews and Chris Rock starred in a sitcom together called “Everybody Hates Chris” and the “White Chicks” actor also reminisced when he grew up in Flint, Michigan. He narrated the times when he got himself in scenarios similar to Will and Chris, saying, “The definition of toughness where I grew up and the way I was, it was always the ability to strike, the ability to punch, the ability to set things straight, to even the score. But the true definition of toughness was what Chris did in taking a punch and then holding everything together and then showing tremendous endurance and resilience in the middle of obstacles. I think it was a miracle what Chris did. I really do. I couldn’t believe his poise in that moment. I thought, holy cow, we owe him a lot. I think every performer owes him so much because it just really saved Hollywood in that moment. I’m very thankful to Chris, but also I understand Will, I’m not one to demonize Will at all because I was there.”
Crews who was also a football linebacker adresses when he was sexually assaulted by a talent agent namded Adam Venit during a party in 2016.
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