The 2007 American post-apocalyptic action thriller movie I Am Legend is returning with another sequel. Based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson, the film was directed by Francis Lawrence and stars Will Smith as US Army virologist Robert Neville. As mankind has been wiped out by a vaccine, originally created to cure cancer, Neville is the last human remaining in New York, apart from the nocturnal mutants. While defending himself against hostile mutants, Neville works to find a cure for the virus. The film received generally positive reviews, with Smith’s performance being singled out for praise, while criticism focused on its divergences from the novel, particularly the ending.
There are many speculations on where the I Am Legend sequel is going, the film most likely will pick up from where the first film ended. The film’s ending is quite emotional. In the cracking wall between him and the angry mutants, Neville sees the shape of a butterfly, having just discovered the cure to the virus and set up a way for his friends to escape. It was a habit for Neville’s young, late daughter to point out butterflies, so he interprets this as a sign that she has passed. This is where it gets complicated. After all the research he did on the mutants, he realized that despite all his efforts to kill the non-infected humans, , they have their own organized society, rules, and relationships. But still he is repelled by them as they have their own society and rules.
Will Smith is the main leading actor of the movie along with Michael B.Jordon. Both the stars Will also produce the movie. Akiva Goldsman who had written the script of first movie is also returning to pen the follow up and also as a producer. James Lassiter will serve as Executive Producer. Goldsman and Greg Lessans will also produce via Weed Road Pictures. The movie is expected to release in laye 2022 or early mid-2023.