Warrior Nun is a Netflix original fantasy drama show and adapted from a comic book series of the same title written by Ben Dunn. Warrior Nun’s producers worked on HBO’s Game of Thrones and the show is directed by Simon barry. The series debuted on July last year on the streaming service platform. Following show’s success, creator of Warrior Nun told in an interview, “When we were finishing Season 1, we had many more avenues to go down story-wise. So we created a folder thinking, hey, if we’re lucky enough to get Season 2, here are some things we could draw from. After seeing the show completed, we regrouped just to talk about ideas.”
The writers too indicated that they have started planning the renewal of Warrior Nun, on August, 2020 the cast and cew reunited through a video call and season 2 of Warrior Nun got confirmed. From 6th July to 6th August, 2020, the show achieved the position of being the third most watched series on Netflix with Cursed and Dark Desire occupying first and second places. In America, Warrior Nun acquired sixth rank, in UK it got fourth place. Ultimately, the show climbed second rank in America until it was toppled by Unsolved Mysteries. And in countries like New Zealand, Brazil etc Warrior Now ranked first.
Three new individuals will be part of season 2, Jack Mullarkey of Vikings: Valhalla will play the character of Miguel, a strange activist who uncovers Ava’s motives, Richard Clothier is portraying Cardinal William Foster who is second most powerful person at the Vatican and Meena Rayann known for Game of Thrones is depicting the character of Yasmine Amunet who is a journalist and scholar.
Warrior Nun’s shooting of season 1 occurred between March-July, 2019 and it was after an year when the series aired on Netflix. Simon Barry posted several snaps from Spain where the crew was location scouting. The shooting began on July last year and the large chunk of the show has been filmed with major units wrapping up on November last year. When asked about the status of Warrior Nun, Simon Barry revealed on Twitter, “It’s in several thousand small digital parts in a massive Netflix server, being reassembled by brilliantly talented artists who need to shape it just right so that it melts your brain in the desired fashion we imagined.”