At Least A Liberal Late Night Host Spoke The Truth

At Least A Liberal Late Night Host Spoke The Truth

Late-night talk show host and political comedian Bill Maher called out mainstream media organisation’s reluctance to report Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s laptop story, he said media’s lack of reporting is the reason why people don’t trust the mainstream media. Bill Maher noted that the left-leaning journalists avoided the Hunter Biden’s laptop news because it does not suit their narrative. Although, New York Post was the first media outlet to do an exclusive story on this matter in 2020. On last week’s episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher”, Maher said during a segment, “It looks like the left-wing media has buried the story because it wasn’t part of their narrative and that’s why people don’t trust the media.”

His remarks followed a New York Times report confirming the laptop story last month. The NYT report explains how Hunter Biden exploited his father Joe Biden’s influence to earn money abroad. New York Post’s exclusive report was published before Joe Biden won the 2020 US presidential election but several social media platforms took down the report and denied its validity.

Maher also called New York Post biased referring to it as “a Republican paper” and added that it took long for media outlets to accept the laptop scandal as true. Maher told his audience, “The New York Post got ahold of what was in the computer, and um, because the New York Post is a Republican paper and the New York Times and Washington Post are the Democrat paper. That’s where we’re are again kind of. And the Republican paper, Twitter canceled their account. Can’t even report on this story. And now two years later, the New York Times and the Washington Post have come around to say ‘okay there was something there’.”

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